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  1. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    Got our first turkey egg today, to bad the turkeys won't be here much longer, the slate one is going to fair and the wild one in the freezer
  2. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    Yeah, I was worried because it looked worse than some of the pictures I saw online, but it was fixed somewhat easily. I forgot to take any pictures of her, but it was a ball with a three inch diameter of, well, intestine I guess. My mom came and pulled me out of school because she didn't know...
  3. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    One of my runner ducks had a prolapsed rectum today :/ that wasn't something I ever thought I would have to fix, she seems to be okay now, but I'll be keeping a close eye on her
  4. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    I've never used corn but what I've always done is freeze the fruit that's going bad and give that to them, be warned if you use watermelon, your white chickens will look like they just came out of a bloody battle lol
  5. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    We went to the TPPFF show today at AZ feeds, had a great time seeing everyone's birds again! Neither of my pigeons won anything and Jeffy was disqualified for his comb, but I got 4th in showmanship! I also ended up taking home five Starling ( I think that's what Patrick called them) home with...
  6. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    She is beautiful!
  7. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    My red stars lay the best, but my Polish is the friendliest
  8. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    How much are you asking for him? I love the black breasted red color, I'll ask my friend if he wants to wait that long for a roo
  9. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    How much would you be asking for them?
  10. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    I add 5 new hens to my flock on Saturday! Can't post pictures right now (I'm on mobile) but there is one EE two White Leghorn crosses, and Polish cross (that has two extra toes and a spur on one foot ???) And a black Australorp. Also added the two barred Maran hens to the big coop. Everyone is...
  11. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    So only two chicks hatched out of my last batch, I'll probably be setting anouther dozen pretty soon. On Friday or Saturday I'm going to be getting five new hens, two polish and three white leghorns! They are all supposed to be laying right now
  12. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    First two chicks to hatch out are a white and a brown naked neck :D
  13. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    My eggs are hatching :D the first one out is one of the EExNN cross, and he/she has a naked neck! Last I saw there were three others pipping
  14. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    Nope lol he hasn't pooped on me or on anything in the house, hopeful he never does!
  15. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    I've got two Seramas and I'd love to have any that you hatch out! They do make great house pets, my little rooster sits on my head and watches TV with me lol
  16. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    We probably got about three or more inches of rain. The fire pit and the pigeon coops are in small lakes and everything is soaked. I have to go buy a new straw bale today and clean out all the pens
  17. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    My doe is probably pregnant (she'll have it around March 15 if she is) I can't wait to have goat milk and cheese :D they're mini breeds though so no meat from them lol
  18. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    My goats love the rain for some reason lol! they sit by the side of the pen and let it rain on their face The horses at work hate going in the barn when it rains though, they always get grumpy and kick at each other :P
  19. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    All my breeds seem to do well together. They all were raised for chicks together and now they're almost a year old and I've never seen them pick on one another. My polish hen likes to be bossy (which is really funny because she has to jump up to peck the rooster and a couple hens) But I've never...
  20. DesertChickens1

    Arizona Chickens

    Hello! I'm in Tucson as well, my hens are just starting up laying again, two of them still haven't started up again, yours should be starting soon !
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