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  1. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Tucson area folks, bulk feed order It may have been too late (I think today is the deadline), but I just placed an order with the Phoenix bulk feed order. Did anyone else from the Tucson area order? I'd love to split costs for the drive. If my order was accepted, I'll be driving our Prius to...
  2. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Nooooooooo!!!!!! I was just trying to catch up on here and ! I am soooo sorry! !!
  3. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Ack, X2!!!!! I can't catch up! Just spent an hour, only made it this far, and now have to go hand out veggies at the CSA...Really, I second the condolences and congrats, and cheers to all the great people here! Nova, you dealt with your tragedy with such grace! Gallo - I DO want to come see...
  4. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Pastrymama - Thanks! (RE seed box) I'd be happy to pick it up when it gets back to the Tucson area.
  5. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Fuzzy Bird - I voted! Good story. Pimachickens - I'm glad your new chickens are doing well, and sorry about the dominance issues! I agree that removing the bully for a while might help. I had one like that, and after a week being separated from the flock, she was knocked down a few levels...
  6. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Hi Pima! Congrats on the new neighbors! How are your no-longer-new chickens?
  7. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Gallo - HI! Just sent you a delayed email. Nasty wind today here in the 'hood.
  8. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Noodlegirl - Glad to help. A couple of things to keep in mind about using the ice packs, which you have probably already though of: 1 - It is not hard to find fertile eggs to let her hatch if you want the experience. Just mention it on here, we have plenty of enablers! 2 - Don't give her...
  9. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Great photo! Wow on the brooder! Perhaps a tad over-engineered? Made with love (or obsession) though! Really, it is fabulous.
  10. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Mikey - Way to go with your flock!!! I'm so glad to hear they are doing well.
  11. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Noodlegirl - If you don't want to let the hen hatch eggs, or raise chicks, I have had success "breaking" a hen of her broody-ness with ice packs. It might take 2 or 3 days, but it has worked for me three times on two hens. I use the lunch-box sized ice packs, or one of the soft larger ones...
  12. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Mikey - Oh no!!!! I am so sorry. I agree, if you can swing, a trip to the vet might be worth it for peace of mind and to be prepared to treat any other occurrences. This really is rotten. You have had such crappy luck with these chicks. Hang in there. Becky- So sorry about your cat. That is...
  13. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Kev - Sorry for your lost chicks, bummer. Fuzzy - I now have turkey-envy! What a great bird!
  14. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Novaleigh - Hmm, does this mean you have gone from poultry "addict" to "pusher?"
  15. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Mikey - Sorry, no way can I catch up on the last 8000-ish posts but I wanted to agree that flushing the eye with sterile saline solution a few times a day won't hurt and may help. I don't remember what your chick's eye looked like, but for my hen, we ended up with opthalmic drops that made a...
  16. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Mikey - I'm glad your gals are improving, good work! Mama Hen Chris - So sorry for your gal's departure. Nurseshelly, Memphis, Gallo - THANKS again for your response to my plea for help. I was surprised how few people responded, especially in this knowledgeable group. The GREAT news is that...
  17. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Memphis Thanks for input RE my hen, and I LOVE the idea of "cloverbuds!" It really made me giggle. Get 'em hooked young! I wish there was a 4H for for the over-40 career changers! Perhaps "Dormant Seeds?"
  18. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    A little chicken disease HELP from the super-knowledgeable AZ BYC folks please: Please see my post on Emergencies, etc. I am not getting responses: behavior-normal-what-is-it I have searched here, on...
  19. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    Thanks, Novaleigh! I have certainly enjoyed all of the "new" people's posts. Happy Almost-Anniversary, and way to go reveling in the chicken addiction!
  20. constance

    Arizona Chickens

    SO.... MANY..... POSTS.... AHHHHHHHHH Geese louise, you all have been busy! Just when I catch up, I am out of time, and now there are about 500 new people, too!!!!! (Welcome, but this is so belated for most of you that I feel like the newbie) Long time no post, but I have been...
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