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  1. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    Tractor Supply has leaflets near the electric fence supplies that should tell you how to set it up. You can also find a lot of info if you google it. Basically just remember that the hot wire has to make a complete circuit, i.e. can't just run out there and quit, the wire has to make a loop...
  2. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    I would call your city and ask them. They are the ones that should know all the rules and regs.
  3. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    How funny my ducks gobble up the fermented feed the same as the chickens; in fact have two Welsh Harlequin girls in the layer house and they are first in the feed trough, but they were hatched and raised eating it....
  4. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    Could be any number of things, fatty liver disease will do just what you are describing. Also some birds become internal layers and if you open them up their abdomen is full of egg liquid along with odd lumps of shell and membranes. Just like not all women are fertile or have regular ovulation...
  5. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    I haven't made mayo in years and years but the biggest trick is to add to oil almost drop by drop while blending.
  6. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    JANUARY 31?????
  7. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    oooh you'll really be hooked now! Have you read over Sally Sunshine's stuff, Hatching 101? Important to not let your humidity be too high the first 18 days tho, made that mistake once. So, what did you put in to hatch?
  8. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    I have been using it almost two years now; once I had to buy some at the feed store because I miscalculated my needs. Chickens stood around looking at it and looking at me, then look at the feed, then look at me, like "what the H=== is this SH==?" They wouldn't hardly touch it. I get the kind...
  9. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    well, let hatching season begin; set some eggs yesterday. This year I swear I will NOT! hatch and raise 100 chicks! Feed broke the bank last summer! So this year much smaller hatches unless someone pre-orders. Most of my girls are not laying yet anyway except a couple of pullets. One girl is so...
  10. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    You read the whole thing?
  11. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    The reviews were better for the zoo med ones than for the eco what ever it was. I might order a couple I probably have 4 of the 250s left and I think I did once find a 150 but never again and nothing smaller this past year.
  12. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    I haven't found any locally or even in the valley last winter; ran a search at Amazon right now; there are some 75 watt ones out there; I might order some because those 250s eat up the electric and are waaaay oversized for what I need...
  13. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    I think Modesto is what Marcia buys; @desertmarcy She's down in Tucson tho
  14. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    most of mine had it last year but no sign of it this year; I have some old tires stacked up to become a retaining wall so towards the end of monsoon season I went out and sprayed prymethrin in all the tires; really helped reduce the total skeeter population, so I think that helped. We've now had...
  15. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    shoot; the trouble with living by myself and so far away. Some day will hopefully have a chicken tender that can take care of things while I"m gone so I can come on Fri and stay till Sun. Pizza rolls sound yummy! I'm about to finish up chores then start crating up birds; they will sleep in the...
  16. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    I am looking for a dedicated person that would like to take on the Buff Plymouth Rocks that I have. This is a very rare variety, as far as I know there are only three of us in AZ with these and the adults all came from the same hatch.They just need more time and attention that i can give them at...
  17. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    Glad to hear the girls have settled in well and you are enjoying them! not so glad about the other; wishing you a speedy recovery and good health! Yes the things we push ourselves to do in the name of our birds!
  18. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    Really most of the time I don't wash the way you read about; usually I put them in enough water to soak their legs and be able to wash their butts; I don't always even use soap, just water; partly depends on how dirty they are. Most of mine are not dirty on top so I leave that part alone. After...
  19. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    Me too; but I have been washing up birds for two weekends now; still have a few to go, plus go back and touch up the ones I already did, but they shouldn't need much. It's been cooler here and was about 30 degrees this morning; I have to work tomorrow so will finish chickens wed/thur; may have...
  20. maryhysong

    Arizona Chickens

    Quote: I caught a fair number of them by sticking half a date onto the bait holder, but then they seemed to wise up; I've also used peanut butter and apples, peanut butter and bread, but just couldn't catch them fast enough, they could still seem to either steal the bait or somehow trip the...
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