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  1. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    Thanks! I think she's on the mends. I'm so thrilled as I thought for sure she was a goner when I went out to find her this morning. Her breathing was shallow and her face was plastered in the mud :(. I think I found her just in time! But, she's now standing well, eating loads of treats and...
  2. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    I couldn't find a puncture wound but I know we have lots of bark scorpions on our property so it's the first thing that came to mind. She's improve a little in the last couple hours. She stood up, took a few steps, drank some water and a bite of a peach. She still has one eye closed and acts...
  3. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    I think one of my hens for stung by a scorpion, but not really sure. They let themselves out of the coop to free range every morning. I went out at 6:30am and found her out of the coop, by the other side of the coop laying on her side face down in the dirt. I thought she was dead until I...
  4. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    I understand most people are hesitant to get new birds introduced into their flock. I have a small flock of 16. I have 3 broodies. I stuck our eggs under them but I am assuming because of the heat none have developed. I want to get my girls off the nest with this heat....what do you all...
  5. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    I have fertile eggs if your interested. I have a mixed flock and a splash silkie roo.
  6. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    Hi everyone! I haven't posted in about 4 months since my business and the 5 kids have kept me busy. I have a free rooster, blue silkie (dad) and blue Andalusian (mom) cross. He is about 14 weeks now, was raised by my broody but is pretty mellow. He has 5 toes, black skin and the silkie...
  7. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    On the subject of coop flooring...I have a slightly raised coop, with a solid floor, covered in linoleum and covered in sand. Sand is the best and I am so glad I choose it. But, my coop is completely out of the weather and stays dry (as long as I close the windows). I get away with this design...
  8. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    Yeah! So rewarding to have your hard work pay off, but sorry there is still something after your birds.
  9. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    Looks like several of my other birds are getting the fowl pox too. I just hope none of them get the wet. We were missing a bird for the last two days. I had looked over the fence into the neighbors yard and never saw her until yesterday. Apparently, even with a clipped wing she jumped the 6...
  10. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    My EE, Billy, seems to have dry fowl pox. I noticed it last night and thought maybe she injured herself on something but after seeing your post it looks exactly like the dry pox. So, for those experienced, she is the only one with symptoms out of my 18 birds. Should I separate her? Is there...
  11. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    I agree with the other thread that you have a production red. As far as what to expect, every hen is different. I have two production reds, one is a little stand offish and the other is my most friendly bird. She is very sweet, will run up to me when I go outside, hops up on my leg when I...
  12. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    Oh I found my pullet!!!! something definately scared them all and apparently she went up into the orange tree while everyone else ran to the coop. I looked all over and couldn't find her but once I took out the mealworms she came out. Yippee! Still wonder what spooked them
  13. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    I was in the house, windows open and I heard my silkie roo making a growling noise then all the girls started freaking out. I ran outside, the girls were all hurring into the coop and once I did a count realized that one of my Red Star pullets was gone. No feathers scattered or anything. What...
  14. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    Oh, I would have liked to see those birds! Glad to know and next year I will go earlier.
  15. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

  16. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    We did say something to one of the workers who just kinda shrugged his shoulders and let me know he was just a worker and these were not his chickens My response probably would have been a little harsher had I not had my kids with me. Poor rooster! I came home and checked my birds tonight...
  17. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    My thoughts exactly! I know that most 4-H-er's show at County Fairs and not State. I'm not sure where the animals come from. A few were good looking birds, but seeing that one covered in mites was enough to tell me these birds aren't being inspected upon arrival and I would never take my...
  18. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    Did anyone check out the birds at the State fair? We went today and had to take a look at the birds, some were beautiful but I was surprised at the quality of some. One rooster had so many mites you could see them crawling all over the poor things face. I was very turned off and was shocked...
  19. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    I have the no crow collar from I know you can make your own from Velcro strips but I liked the specific no crow one because it seemed more flexible with the mesh and therefore more comfortable since my guy has it on 24/7. When I first put it on he did crow, only softer, then I...
  20. mom-to-5

    Arizona Chickens

    That's great to know, hopefully with time the girls will get use to him. It seems like he has his heart set on one of my NN and only goes after her right now ( we have 14 hens and 3 pullets). She runs away and hides in the coop. I'm guessing it will take some time to adjust. I'm not...
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