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  1. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    That is a sumac type tree. It changes leaves as it gets older and resembles a willow. My tree guys don't like to deal with it because it has a caustic sap. Pull it now while you can still do it. The seed is spread by birds. Leave it planted where you don't want people to be. Be aware, it...
  2. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    Relative to the question of lights in the coop, don't. Chickens are animals and they need the dark to sleep. Once they fall asleep, they are dead to the world. I live along the freeway, and some advertising company saw fit to put up a couple of those huge flashing electronic bill boards. I...
  3. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    It is a pullet. The bird doesn't have the crescent shaped feather that you will see on the sides of a rooster nor the thin feather you would see around the neck. The wattles and comb will get redder just before they begin to lay.
  4. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    State regulators have pretty much put most of the chicken processors out of business. It is pretty much a "do it yourself" thing now. Seems to me we discussed this issue a couple of years ago. Things may have changed. I suggest you ask around in the local carnicerias. They may be able to...
  5. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    Chickens are not real picky. Just about anything will work with them. My coop is made out of stuff I found in the alley. After elections, there is a plethora of building materials on just about every corner. Those political signs work great. My chickens live in the Obama coop. Chickens...
  6. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    Mahonri, I think that is a pin cushion cactus. For a couple of years in the sixties, 1966 and 1967 I think, we had weeks of rain all winter...
  7. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    It would be best if you kept her in administrative segregation until she is of equal size. They will accept her if they can visually see her for long enough time. I have had hens of different generations that never really integrated. It works better if you have a rooster. He will break up...
  8. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    I don't see those sickle shaped feathers that roosters sport. My money says it is a hen. How old are they now? Sometimes when you have a hen only flock, one of the hens gets kind of kinky and mounts lesser ranking hens. My wife doesn't understand about that stuff; she thinks it is weird and...
  9. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    Cackling rooster and crowing hen come to no good end. A picture of the saddle feathers might clear up the question. What do the feet look like?
  10. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    Mahonri is correct. It is only the fact that oil and natural gas are priced in dollars that supports the value of the buck. In 1966 the silver backing was removed from the US dollar. The US government convinced the Arabs to price oil and gas in dollars. That gave value to the dollar...
  11. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    The city and the churches are the cause of the problem. The city established a homeless shelter somewhere in the neighborhood. That attracts that type of people to our area. Then they throw them out when they catch them doing drugs, alcohol or having sex. So then they end up doing that stuff...
  12. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    Last night was party night here in my neighborhood. Homeland security released thousands of people who were being detained for illegal immigration. Looks like everybody in the neighborhood had a happy homecoming party. The mariachi music was awesome. So, the city has officially declared the...
  13. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    Sure hope we don't have a real cold frost after this storms clears off. That isn't good for the fruit trees that have already started to blossom.
  14. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    and it stinks really bad... I mean most Asian markets smell like fish, but Lee Lee's smells like something died compared to the other markets. Durian! It is an acquired taste. The smell will gag a maggot, but once you get past that it is pretty tasty.
  15. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    On the question of fermented feed, beware of aflatoxin. On the issue of storing eggs, in the war we ate powdered eggs that were laid well before I was born. They didn't spoil, but the quality and texture were the same as sponge rubber. I am not sure if it was the eggs themselves or the...
  16. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    Well, for all of you folks ending up with roosters, there used to be a good bit of information on caponizing on this web site. I am not sure if it is still up. I saw some youtube videos on the subject, but most of them are in Filipino. But you can get the general idea just watching the...
  17. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    Don't forget to make a claim on your homeowner's insurance. That was probably a two or three thousand dollar plant.
  18. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    Source of Medicine – The use of willow bark dates back thousands of years, to the time of Hippocrates (400 BC) when patients were advised to chew on the bark to reduce fever and inflammation. Willow bark has been used throughout the centuries in China and Europe, and continues to be used today...
  19. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    Aspirin probably serves the same function as willow water. It promotes root growth, and you don't have to have access to willow. It is just a lot easier.
  20. rufus

    Arizona Chickens

    Well, this afternoon I was putting together a potato tower. It is a way of growing potatoes in old tires, bales of hay, bags or boxes. I saw it done on Youtube, so I thought I would try it. I tried to raise potatoes in the ground last year. I buried 14 potatoes and got back one, plus a real...
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