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  1. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Really? I still have mine, but we had a big predator attack the other night. I don't really know what happened, we eventually found most of the guineas hiding out in the soybean field and refusing to come back on the place. At least 4 different guineas were attacked, judging by all the...
  2. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Hmph, my guineas are abysmal guardians. I have always suspected it is because they are too used to people. Maybe not? I have only ever heard them sound an alarm for hawks and turkey vultures, both of which are minimal threat to the guineas. No alarm for people driving in (maybe because we...
  3. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    My shelter is not anything fancy. Its an OLD style (like 1950s) chicken coop and the guineas get one half, the chickens live in the other half. It has lots of problems - primarily a lack of ventilation, also not very tall, but the guineas do go in. I have their food in there, and in winter...
  4. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    The best way to introduce the flocks is do NOT house them together. Let the guineas have their own shelter, the chickens have their shelter, and they see each other when they are outside free ranging. They are most likely to do fine that way. Then the guineas are their own little flock, and...
  5. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    We kept about half of them. One got stuck in a fence and we didn't find it until too late, but that's the only one we lost. A friend took 10 of the rest.
  6. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    My little gangsters are enjoying the spring weather. They are roaming the roads, trespassing in the neighbor's field, loitering in the roadside ditches, chasing garter snakes, hiding nests, and up to their general no good. Husband heard a screeching-scratching skittering noise the other night...
  7. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    So you finally set a date? Made up your mind? You know you might miss them...
  8. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Last summer, my guinea hens all happily sat on eggs until something happened - huge rainstorm, predator attack, predator ate them, etc. Except one, she nested right by the house (that flower bed was full of tall weeds, oops!) and hatched out 23 keets. I found both parents to be fairly good...
  9. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    In Nebraska here, my guineas are laying eggs. We found a couple eggs in a nest last week and the guineas have been paired off and looking for nesting spots for awhile now.
  10. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Nah.... I have become acclimated to it. That side porch has always been a favorite of theirs, although they usually spend less time on it. The snow yesterday must have really freaked them out though, because that was the first time they stuck around on the porch long enough that I could take...
  11. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    We got a bit of snow and the gangsters didn't like it. Probably thought it made their feet cold. At any rate, they hung out on the side porch all day yesterday. You could hear their racket throughout the entire house.
  12. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    @guineapeeps Great ideas, thank you. I think I would take a 50% success rate, it is far better than the 6 failed nests, missing feathers, and 1 dead guinea hen we got last year for the 1 successful nest.
  13. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Why don't you let guineas raise any young? I like to let a hen raise the babies when possible, it saves me quite a bit of time. (This was the first time with guineas, but my chickens have raised several broods of young). Last year, the guinea keets were an unplanned surprise and I had a baby...
  14. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    And I suppose the next generation of guineas, even though they were raised by a guinea and don't think they are the same as chickens, still learns to pick on chickens. Sigh. Seriously, these gangsters and their attitudes are making ducks and their slobbish obsession with water and all things...
  15. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Hah, that's true. I guess my point is, I had read that the guineas would be more friendly toward chickens if they were raised together and that definitely was not the case for us.
  16. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I don't understand why my guineas bully the chickens so much, but they really do. I started this batch of birds in the summer of 2015 with a mixed batch of keets & chicks that were raised together. They stayed together through the winter. The guineas always bullied the chickens a bit, but...
  17. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    We did some cleaning in the guinea coop today. Even though it was for their benefit, the guineas were NOT pleased about us messing with their home, and they particularly were displeased when we rearranged the furniture. But the real trouble was when we did a bit of work in the chicken coop...
  18. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    OOOHHH, thank you, it all makes sense now!
  19. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    You are just so suspicious of your gangsters thieving from you that you forget the classic stuff C'mon, 'fess up... what did they steal from you, that you worry so much about a repeat theft?
  20. BlueShadow

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Quote: Sounds like classic gangster behavior to me.... She will cooperate as long as the benefits to her far outweigh the inconvenience. But no matter what, you gotta keep up appearances with fellow gangsters! She might have dropped 2 ranks if she was seen with you, and then they would be...
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