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  1. MIChickandGuinea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I had heard you shouldn’t try to keep guinea fowl with chickens, so I didn’t. But our guinea flock was destroyed one bird at a time until we just had one. He was so lonely ... he went to the guinea shelter two nights in a row after his last buddy was killed, but then the third night, he went to...
  2. MIChickandGuinea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Our chickens sleep all closed up in their coop too. But the guineas run like a pack of lunatics down the the garden at top speed when dusk comes. Then they flap and struggle and shuffle around to get up to the way highest perch in the shelter. It looks and sounds like a lot of work, but they do...
  3. MIChickandGuinea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I have literally never seen one of my guinea fowl or chickens in a tree. We live in a forest with thousands of trees to choose from -small and large, hardwood, evergreen, deep in the forest, at the edge of forest, and out in mowed yards and fields. I had thought they would be in trees all the...
  4. MIChickandGuinea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    We live on 80 acres, and our driveway is 1/3 mile from the road, so I hope our birds will stay reasonably safe. I will have to think about a high shelter for them - we want them to have the option of getting out of severe winter storms or the hottest summer sun. But I am very glad to hear that...
  5. MIChickandGuinea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    We can have horrible cold weather, but our neighbors with guineas don't have a coop for them (the guineas have the option of going in with their many hundreds of free-range egg-laying hens, as they have huge, tall, hoop frame hen houses that the hens go into at night), but the guineas stay...
  6. MIChickandGuinea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I know there's controversy about letting guineas live completely free-range, but that's what farmers in our area commonly do, and what I'm planning to do with mine once they're grown and more likely to stay on our property. We have them for tick control, not for pets or for eggs. I have tried...
  7. MIChickandGuinea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Uh-oh. Now that I have half-grown guineas, I find a thread that makes it sound like I may regret them? Why did you get rid of your guineas? I tried to read backward and find that thread, but with a few minutes of clicking, I didn't find it.
  8. MIChickandGuinea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    OK! I have moved The Freaks down to a new fenced, covered area in the garden. They are thrilled with all their new space to flap and fly, graze, and explore! Oddly, they are suddenly MUCH friendlier to humans. Where before, they would only come over if they could see a treat in my hand, now they...
  9. MIChickandGuinea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    You know what? You guys are great. It's so helpful to have seasoned bird keepers to give me the real-world skinny on getting The Freaks started successfully. Thanks for all this timely input.
  10. MIChickandGuinea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    So keep their treats to things like meal worms, grains, etc.? What about fruits - we don't grow any fruits.
  11. MIChickandGuinea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I hope they're fun - lots of people have told me how much they've enjoyed watching their flock of silly guineas ... Given how much I enjoy our chickens, I anticipate I will like these goofball guineas also. I will try to put your training tips into practice to try to get them trained to come in...
  12. MIChickandGuinea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Thanks for your reply. Bacon-heads! Totally accurate :-D I am really new to this, so please excuse my possibly silly questions. I read as much as I could get my hands on about raising guineas before I committed to doing it, but the information out there is SO mixed and all I did was come...
  13. MIChickandGuinea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I have a dozen young guinea fowl that I have raised from hatchlings. They are 5 weeks old and well-feathered. They are starting to get that super-cool plumage that's black with white spots everywhere (they're pearl guineas), but their heads are still feathered. The run I have them in is low...
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