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  1. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I too have had better hatch rates with the incubator, but then again I've only had one (guinea) hen hatch out keets. Out of the five I let her keep she lost for the first day she took them for a walk about. My incubator keets go to an outdoor brooder that abutts the run on day 2 or 3 and start...
  2. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Yeah, I was just thinking about it and these are not $2-4 birds and not generally thought of as "dual purpose" so people would likely be inclined to order them sexed. I bought a straight run assortment recently and got to wondering about what you just mentioned. I know breed wise you get...
  3. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Or it could be that no one ordered sexed pullets so that batch was never sent to be sexed and not every worker will necessarily know how to sex even auto sexing breeds. They just grab them and box them. Obviously that is a risk you take buying straight run and can happen with any hatchery. I've...
  4. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Sorry to hear that. I got my original 30 from cackle and all were healthy.
  5. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Yes they are. I know of someone in the guinea fowl facebook group that just got a bunch from them. They are a bit more expensive than some other places but do have a good selection and of course your options are limited this time of year. ETA: I just looked and their last hatch of the year is...
  6. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Guineas don't lay year round, and it is starting to get cold for people to get started with guineas, as well, which is why most place stop selling them. I breed and sell and try to stop by the end of August. Most likely you will have to find someone local or buy hatching eggs and hatch them...
  7. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I can see in them very well right from the start, but I use an 850 lumen headlamp. I might have to buy some of those eggs in the spring I can get some purples back in my flock.
  8. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    How small is really small? I have some that age as well and will post pics tomorrow for you to compare with.
  9. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    That sounds fantastic. I hope someday to have a big plot of land like that. It's great your were able to get out of the city. I went to Tulane for grad school and don't miss the smell lol. We are a military family which is what took us down there to begin with and is what brought us here. New...
  10. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Hey, Victoria - Where abouts do you live? I actually moved up here to MD from Bay St Louis in 2013. We miss the outdoors life but not the suffocating heat and humidity lol.
  11. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    You got those from another member on here, right? I'm jealous. I've lost all my purples over the past year :(
  12. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    If all the guineas hatch and you add chicks, you will need more than a medium dog crate. That will only work for about the first week. I just had 15 keets and four chicks in a large dog crate and they outgrew it in a week (luckily the buyers picked them up yesterday). As far as eggs, I...
  13. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I had to catch a couple of mine the other day and I used a raccoon size live trap.
  14. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    You shouldn't have to clean the backside of a healthy keet. My suspicions are they were too hot and/or they were sick when you got them.
  15. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Do you know the temps? Maybe they were too hot. Did you actually see them eating and drinking? Did you see any diarrhea or poo build up on their back sides? Was the crumble the right kind? Were they trampling each other?
  16. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Autocorrect for "die" apparently lol
  17. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Need more information to help you. Did they all die at once? What were the temps? What kind of crumble? Any signs of illness?
  18. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Or raise them with chickens, turkeys, maybe peafowl, that will teach them. It's working for me so far with my 2-3 month olds.
  19. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

  20. SunHwaKwon

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Now I am recalling my many frustrating evenings with the guineas last fall, and looking at my new keets wondering if they are even worth it. Lol.
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