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  1. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    On a happier note about the guineas. I had called to arrange for processing but they could not take them until this Saturday. In the mean time someone who has been looking to buy grown guineas has contacted hubby. By the weekend the guineas will be rehomed on a larger farm. They plan on the...
  2. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    It is sad to say but I have seen first hand over the last two days what guineas will do to chickens. Hubby and I have determined that ten out of our 15 guineas have taken to attacking our cochin hens because they are docile and run when confronted. Where as the Polish crested jump and react as...
  3. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    This is a picture of my guinea babies at about 8 weeks old. Every evening they run to the deck and fly up to the railing to call me out of the house for their evening millet treat. They have been doing this every night since we started letting all fifteen guineas out at the same time. The...
  4. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Thank you for the information papas chickens. I looked at her this morning and it has clotted but I will put antibiotic ointment on for a few days just to make sure.
  5. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I found one of my guineas with a toenail that has broken off or got caught in something. Anyway it is far back enough it is bleeding. I washed it and it doesn't look like it has caused a direct injury to the toe or foot. I'm not sure what to do if anything. It is still bleeding, she doesn't seem...
  6. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Welcome I am knew at the guinea thing as well. We have 15 that are going on 7 weeks old, the only difference is we got ours 2 days after they hatched. I believe you are talking about free ranging not setting them out to the wild so I will list a few tips I have learned from all the wonderful...
  7. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Wow, I'm new to chickens so I am glad you found the problem. This is something I will keep in mind for the future in case I ever do think I want ducks. I wonder if it is the breed of duck or if all are like this?
  8. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    So sorry for the loss of your 5 keets. I'm sure the others will have a better survival in your brooder under your watchful eyes.
  9. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I don't have the call established I want yet. Right now they know it's time for that white millet at night when I go in the corn crib and call "here chick-here-chick-chick-chick" really loud. Next month the plan is to take the chickens out and put them in the new hen house being built. The...
  10. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Over the past week I had trouble with 2 keets getting out of their tractor in the night. In the morning I would have to put them back in so the chickens would stop pecking at their heads. (the tractor is inside a large corn crib where our chickens live). Anyway, this morning I decided they were...
  11. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Yes the weather here is very warm staying in the upper 70's to eighties with our horrible humidity. They have been out there nights now and seem very happy much happier then being in the house. There is also a shelter inside the tractor I put lots of straw in for them to be on they really seem...
  12. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I moved our 2 week old keets to a pin my hubby made. It's like a chicken tractor 4ft wide by 8ft long. At first they were a little shocked which I don't blame them moving from inside the house to the tractor, but it gave all 15 of them more room. Plus the tractor is in the corn crib with the...
  13. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    it's nice you were able to get yours local from a breeder. I love my guineas and have had excellent luck with cackle hatchery but if I had been able to find some from a local person I would have purchased locally. It wasn't until after I had ordered that I ran into someone that had eggs...
  14. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    adorable are the pearl grey guineas? I have 15 lavender keets. I've tried getting them used to me but have had a difficult time. I've even tried white millet they don't seem to care for it as much as everyone says they should. good luck with your new babies
  15. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Our keets are 1 week old today. Most have grown a lot over the past week and all are getting tiny little pin feathers that are really cute. We have noticed one that is not growing. It seems to be a tad slower then the others and sleeps more but the 15 keets don't seem to notice. This keet has...
  16. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Got it metal trash cans. Next month hubby is going to put a solid box car out there for me to keep all my feed and seed in. It's nice having a recycle yard where you can get things like that. Pop in a door and table and you have your very own pet/animal kitchen his idea I think its rather...
  17. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Thank you for the information. I will keep it in mind. I did find the turkey starter with 28 percent protein in it at one of the local feed stores. However trying to find white millet to train my guineas had to be an order. I didn't mind ordering but 50 pounds is a lot of white millet. I know...
  18. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    We got our keets Friday and they are soooo adorable. I understand that you raise them a lot like chickens only keep them warmer longer and be very careful with their legs. This morning I was watching them and a fly landed in the brooder. Needless to say he did not make it out. It got me to...
  19. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Hehehe, I know what you mean. My little five week old chicks are out perusing their pin while I'm in here reading site after site about keets and what not to do, what to do, and things you try, don't let them get pasty butt, use the ACV, make sure the feed is right, they are hoppers and will...
  20. potagergirl

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    My keets will be shipped to me and I am realizing (first time for guineas) they are not chickens! It happened to cross my mind last night that with chickens you dip their beak in water when you put them into the brooder. But with keets that drown easily do you do the same thing even though I...
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