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  1. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Ooooo, I learned a new thing! :)
  2. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Your pearls look a bit more like royal purples to me... But I am new too, so could definitely be wrong. :)
  3. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Southern end of Sanford, I think. But he is not hatching this year. He's got a mix of colors. I KNOW there are pearl grey, royal purple and lavender, but I do think there are others as well. :)
  4. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I haven't had adult guineas so I cannot say with 100% certainty that this is true for them, but... My chickens readily eat frogs and mice and other small animals/amphibians/reptiles that they manage to catch (or find dead...). I think people who feed raw meat to chicks and keets do it because...
  5. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    It's too bad it isn't 2012.... Last year this time, my friend had guinea keets out the wazoo and couldn't get rid of them as fast as they were hatching! Beautiful birds, too. He is in central NC tho.
  6. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I do the vitamins/electrolytes in water while they are in the brooder and also the boiled egg (though I only offer the yolks) and sometimes raw egg mixed with ground beef. :) When I was a kid, my family had about 12 guineas raised from keets. Over the course of a year, all went missing except...
  7. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I like it better when they all free range but I still have a mix on hand for super rainy miserable days or if they are babies in my brooder. :) They all seem to do well with it and love the sprouted wheat and raw meat most of all. :) They seem to be doing a bit better. I want to put them...
  8. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I give all my chicks a mix that I make which includes einkorn, coconut, millet, quinoa, sesame seeds, brown rice, coarse ground pumpkin seeds, coarse ground sunflower seeds, nyjer, flax, DE and powdered kelp. I also sprout organic wheat and occasionally organic rye for them. All the growing...
  9. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Random question for all you guinea savvy. Do guineas have a higher vitamin D requirement than chickens do? I would imagine evolving in Africa, they would've developed some sort of sun protection just as humans have with darker skin. If I am correct, people of African descent do not absorb as...
  10. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Of course! We all are, and if we stop, we're dead. ;)
  11. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Sorry to hear about your bad experiences. :( I think some of this is just live and learn since some flocks will do things differently. I LOVE that picture, though. :)
  12. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I don't have experience with guinea broodies yet, but my friend who has guineas was telling me about how his broodies will attack you if you're messing with ANY keets, not just theirs. But maybe he has weird guineas :)
  13. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Sounds like a good plan! I say go for it! :) Keep her around for future incubation! Band her or something so you can remember which one is so reliable. :)
  14. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Good to know!! Hehehe, they are cute, I was just joking around. ;) But like most things, they are cuter when they are babies. :D And nice to meet you too! :)
  15. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Ahaha! Great story! ;) I think some birds adjust to indoor life better than others. I was hoping my silkie would be sweet enough to live indoors but she is MOODY allllllll the time so I gave up on that idea quickly. But my buff orpington pullet wants to be around me all the time. At night she...
  16. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Oh wow, that is so cool!! Good luck with that venture! When you succeed you can show all the people who thought it was impossible your tame guinea! Maybe even have one house trained. ;)
  17. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    It was my keets from my friend's eggs. They hatched with bright orange beaks and legs but these hatchery keets had dull orange beaks and legs. I have my two keets in with my baby chickens as I thought the best way for them to get used to me is if they were in my kitchen in the brooder and...
  18. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Ahaha. I'll come over and help and we can both get flogged!! Haha. :) P.S. I am very pleased with how tame one of my hatchery guineas is turning out but so sad it's legs and beak are not the bright beautiful orange that my friend's guineas are.
  19. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    It's probably not that your males are sterile but much more likely the eggs have just been through too much. You should either candle tonight or do eggtopsy if you succeed in running her off. I have a feeling you will find that most of them began development to some degree.
  20. starlingdaly

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    OH MY GOODNESS YES YOU ARE SO RIGHT. My turkey hen is STILL being a bit stubborn about me not wanting her broody. I did give her eggs but she broke two of them and they were expensive (chicken eggs) so I put her in a pen alone for several days and when I let her out she *seemed fine* until I...
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