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  1. ruth

    Easter Egg Hunt is Over !!!!

    Or microwave them for 2 minutes and they crush easily. As far as the cheese - mine have been eating it since they were day-olds. I don't feed them any kind of grit but they free-range all day over property.
  2. ruth

    Easter Egg Hunt is Over !!!!

    I feed all of my shells back to the girls but I grind them up first so they won't recognize them as egg shells. Mine also love shredded cheese and black oil sunflower seeds - both are great for calcium and protein.
  3. ruth

    Easter Egg Hunt is Over !!!!

    Hi Allenacres - welcome. I see you're new. Sorry to hear you lost one to a coyote. We have a German Shepherd dog, Rex, and a mutt, Lucy who stay outside and won't let even the scent of something get into the yard. While I know it's possible something can and probably will happen to a...
  4. ruth

    Easter Egg Hunt is Over !!!!

    Hi Airmom - that's funny - literally caught with egg on her face. BUT....if she's turned into an egg eater that could be where your eggs are going. Could be she's decided they taste pretty good.
  5. ruth

    Easter Egg Hunt is Over !!!!

    Quote: Oh that would be too cool. I don't want that many. Really would be happy with a pair or a roo and couple of girls. Your guy is so handsome. I'm trying to get 3 or 4 of each breed. This is why I never collect things - once I start I HAVE to have everything that was ever made. Now...
  6. ruth

    Easter Egg Hunt is Over !!!!

    Hey Cynthia - I've been meaning to ask you - if you ever have any extra Blue Orp babies or eggs I would LOVE to have some. I know you have a waiting list but your birds are so beautiful. Name your price for your prettiest blue babies.
  7. ruth

    Easter Egg Hunt is Over !!!!

    Hi Cynthia - I have to admit I love the hunt and keep telling my grown & married kids how much fun the grandkids will have hunting for eggs and playing in the barn and horse stalls. My kids keep reminding me I don't have any grandkids. I keep saying "hint, hint". I also just had my husband...
  8. ruth

    Easter Egg Hunt is Over !!!!

    So I have a question for all of you who find hidden stashes of eggs - Do you eat them or maybe just scramble them up and feed them back to chickens and cats and dogs? Now that I know it's two of my EEs laying in barn crib and it's only been a week that I haven't gotten green eggs in nest box...
  9. ruth

    Easter Egg Hunt is Over !!!!

    Quote: Yes, that is part of the fun - finding the easter eggs - the key word being "find". It's not so fun when you can't find them. Yes, the hay was already in the feed bin/crib. I went out this morning to break up the little nest because it's too high for me to get the eggs - have to...
  10. ruth

    Easter Egg Hunt is Over !!!!

    Thanks Henry - I find my birds funny also. It's amazing the things they do when they have total free range of the farm. Mine seem to be moving into horse stables and barn and carriage house. Guess I'll end up going on an Easter Egg hunt every day just to find eggs. The ones in bator seem to...
  11. ruth

    Easter Egg Hunt is Over !!!!

    Good luck Kaneke in finding your missing Easter Eggs. I looked for a week and the only clue I had was that I had seen her in the barn alone a couple of times. She's an EE and something mix. She doesn't have the muff and beard like my other EEs and has a strange looking comb but she lays large...
  12. ruth

    Easter Egg Hunt is Over !!!!

    Deb, I'll take some eggs or babies if mine don't hatch well - should know by this weekend. You know, I still can't figure out how that chicken got up in that feed bin - it's over 8 feet high and has those slats in front and on sides. The fence between the two stalls is 8 feet tall and there's...
  13. ruth

    Easter Egg Hunt is Over !!!!

    Hi Justusnak - I have a half dozen EE eggs in bator right now plus a half dozen Barred Rock (plus extras) due to hatch Valentines Day - got them from Lisa. I am hoping for a Roo. I also have some of Frank's itty bitty Serama eggs. This will be my first hatch. Now that we have a "farm" I am...
  14. ruth

    Easter Egg Hunt is Over !!!!

    As most of you know we moved to a farm last month that had a nice chicken coop, barn and horse stables. We used the coop of course and I was even bragging about how the chickens, though they free-range all day long, would still return to coop to lay their eggs in nest boxes. I have 13 chickens...
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