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  1. Tony

    Lavender Orpington project ....

    Quote: I have wondered the same thing and I`m very curious what the answer might be. Why can`t a Blue or Splash Orp breed with a Lav?
  2. Tony

    Lavender Orpington project ....

    Beth G. : Here is some updated pics of my boy Buster posing on the barn door, what a ham!! Too bad I'm terrible at pictures. What do you think of...
  3. Tony

    Lavender Orpington project ....

    Quote: I candeled my eggs tonight as it is day eight and all eight are developing. Hurray. Now just to wait and candel again next week. So it's a week later and seven out of eight are good for sure. The last I am not sure of, could be a quitter. I marked it and will check them all again just...
  4. Tony

    Lavender Orpington project ....

    Beth G. : Lost one of my 2yro Lav Split Orp's tonight. She died due to an incident with my horse being a clumpsey and not looking before she backed up over her. Poor betsy you will be missed Sorry to hear that Beth
  5. Tony

    Lavender Orpington project ....

    Quote: Lookin Good! El Naked Neck. Best of luck with them.
  6. Tony

    Lavender Orpington project ....

    Quote: Hi Jody, My lavenders are doing great, I get TON`s of compliments on them that I make sure I give the credit to you and Charlie. I`ll PM you about those F5`s. NOW, onto some pics. Though I know everyones seen these a million times already, cause I haven`t taken any new ones recently...
  7. Tony

    Lavender Orpington project ....

    Beautiful bird`s everyone, keep up the good work.
  8. Tony

    Lavender Orpington project ....

    Mottled Lavender Roo (Note the white/yellowish beak and legs) Lavenders (Note the slate black beaks and legs)
  9. Tony

    Lavender Orpington project ....

    Quote: Someone IS working on them as far as I know, as a matter of fact they`re trying to sell eggs on Ebay
  10. Tony

    Lavender Orpington project ....

    Some of mine
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