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  1. hencackle

    thai chickens

    Yes, I will definitely reconsider when DH & I have more land...and my chickens are far removed from people willing to make bets on you-know-what. Handsome dog you got there, too. Stephanie
  2. hencackle

    thai chickens

    That was a good post, prariechiken. I love that long-legged look. I'm afraid that if I had any of these, they would be stolen...if you get my drift. Stephanie
  3. hencackle

    thai chickens

    What a handsome fella! I just looked on to read more about the breed. Not enough information listed to satisfy my curiosity. Would you care to share more about their temperament, laying ability, etc. How big is that rooster compared to a rooster of a popular breed--maybe a...
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