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  1. kidcallous

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    I vote to pip. The first egg hatched 2 days ago, so I think if theres a little guy or girl in there, they probably need help... I'm no expert though, but if it were me, I would pop a little hole in it. Then I would wait 4 hrs or so, and if no movement - I might pull the shell off of the...
  2. kidcallous

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Ladies! You are both living the life that I hope to one day live. Right now i'm in the middle of a dumb neighborhood on 1/3 of an acre. It's kind of depressing.. My husband and I want so bad to live on 4o or more acres and take care of ourselves. Unfortunately we are tied down here...
  3. kidcallous

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Smiling from ear to ear! Everytime I see "Mamacatpatch has replied to the post......." I click that link as fast as my mouse will go. This is such a sweet story. Those babies are lucky to have such a caring mamma!!
  4. kidcallous

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Quote: They taste just like chicken eggs to me except the shells are harder and the white part is thicker and more rubbery when cooked. I hear they're better for baking, but they did taste just fine! Chickens are GREAT, but the roosters are cantankerous!!!! I love my hens and tolerate the...
  5. kidcallous

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    I *Just* convinced my husband to let me keep chickens!! He was - shall we say - not very enthusiastic about the idea. Maybe after a few months of keeping chickens, he'll let me score a duck or 2, but somehow I doubt it LOL = What do duck eggs taste like??
  6. kidcallous

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Quote: Sooooooooooooo..... any um, update on the 2 "Pippers" ??
  7. kidcallous

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    This thread makes me so happy! To think, you 'winged' it with no real equipment and the outcome is wonderful! Makes you wonder if a commercial incubator is really necessary to get the job done! Those little duckies are TOO CUTE! Big brother looks happier already to have some company...
  8. kidcallous

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Oh my sweet goodness! Picture number 2 made me Laugh out loud!! How are the siblings coming along?? Are we still at just 1 hatch so far?
  9. kidcallous

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Duckie number 1's name should be "Ichiban". Japanese for #1. So cute, as I was sitting here alone looking at the pictures, I actually said "AWWW" - yeah, out loud. By myself
  10. kidcallous

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Cant wait to see more pictures and the video!!!
  11. kidcallous

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Goosebumps at work!! Now you just gotta check for more pips!!
  12. kidcallous

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Oh i just cant wait to see the pictures!!
  13. kidcallous

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Anxiously awaiting an update!!!
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