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  1. chics in the sun

    Why so against EE?

    Wow! If only I could have unlimited numbers of chickens and a few roosters........ But I am limited to five, which makes it worse because I can't just get more and more birds until I have the breeds I want. I will stop by there tomorrow, maybe even take a picture of my wacky Leghorn with me and...
  2. chics in the sun

    Why so against EE?

    That's okay, I wasn't offended, just pointing out that even if you aren't one of the impulsive aren't-they-too-cute-not-to-take home baby-chic buyers, it's a no win if the seller isn't honest. I think I will call them tororrow as you suggested. One of the reasons I waited until they were ten or...
  3. chics in the sun

    Why so against EE?

    I would still like to point out that even if you do your research and learn about the breed and make sure it is suitable for you, all the research goes out the window if someone lies about what you are buying. The leghorn has traits that may make it harder for me to care for, such as the...
  4. chics in the sun

    Why so against EE?

    I don't mind having her at all, and a white egg will be nice to add to the egg basket. I do feel that someone lied along the way, though - mixing up/ confusing an EE for Ameracaunas is one thing, selling a leghorn as and Ameracuana is another story. They knew they would sell better labled...
  5. chics in the sun

    Why so against EE?

    She is a LEGHORN- Not even an EE - my only clue at a few days old would have been her yellow legs, and as a newby I made the mistake of trusting what the manager told me the breeds were. I went home, looked them all up, made sure they were suitable. I had a friend I worked with that always...
  6. chics in the sun

    Why so against EE?

    So what should we do about hatcheries and other chicken-sellers who dupe us? Start demanding our money back? Put it in the news? Report to the better buisness bureau? I'm tempted to take my leghorn back to the shop now that she is nine weeks old and set her on the counter with a picture of what...
  7. chics in the sun

    Why so against EE?

    I'd like to join the "I thought I bought an Americauna" club (mine from a pet store - could be them, could have been the hatchery). For months I'm telling everyone I have one, that it will lay blue-green egs, yada yada yada. She gets bigger and I realize she looks very different than other...
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