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  1. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Yeah, I suppose that's what I should do... I mean I know it is, but I hate to do that when all it will effect is the kids' insurance. Not hers, not the FS, not SS (that wasn't mailed, Ash brought the form to me)... but yeah, I guess I should suck it up and be done with it. Okay, fine I'ma go...
  2. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Well, maybe the PO person I spoke with (this was a few years back in reference to the Other People, not family) didn't know what they were talking about. Our route is the 'overtime route' so we rarely see the same person two days in a row... our mail comes sometime between 9am and 9pm... yes...
  3. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    The term Welfare Check just doesn't exist here... they went electronic years ago. Her MAIL comes here... from diaper ads to medicaid cards... because she filled out a change of address form with USPS. This is also what Mom and Uncle did. All told me about it after it was done. I cannot fill...
  4. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Her kids' medicaid cars come here... she never picks them up they just pile... but that's MAILING address... and she has that with the PO, and clearly with this office. But, I can't stop her from having her mail sent here... and since it's the kids' insurance cards I really don't want to. If...
  5. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Already thought of it... one reason we said no to taking KK this time... not that we were really given time to say no, THAT caseworker assumed no when I said I had to speak to DH before giving her an answer... weird that... but yeah, having to deal with those people was a primary concern. KK...
  6. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Yeah, mostly I answer so I can get updates on the kiddos. KK is DD's BFF (geez sounds like a personal ad)... not to mention me being the eldest, it's just ingrained to care. I don't go on about her horrible behavior (been there done that it does NO good, she uses it as a 'everyone's picking on...
  7. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Ran to Kroger for a couple things... got back and sis had called a few times. Figured it was to ask me about taking her to Wally World (her car is STILL parked/dead in our driveway)... figured I'd call her back later. Then got a call from US Government Social (according to caller ID) It was a...
  8. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Wow... *looks around* I swear you've got cameras and are just reading the script of our lives. Mom and Sis both pull that crap. Sorry, but if you truly had any desire to off yourself there are ways. Plenty of ways. If however you just want attention then you eat some Tylenol and call every...
  9. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    So, Mom says that Sis was screaming at the baby last night and she had the audacity to say that darn this and that isn't going to do any good with a five month old... Sis didn't much care for that so she took off. Went back to the cousin's of BF where he's staying. Said she's thinking of just...
  10. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    ^ See now that would be awesome... that's a great way to use those programs. But, she's had over seven years to get her GED and has always blown it off. Mom, School Counselors, Her Dad's side, plenty have offered to help, payed for classes, etc. but she blows them off. No GED no college...
  11. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    UPDATE Mom called to say that Sis was kicked out of the shelter AND that CPS was called on her. Only rule I know for sure was the 'in by X -I think 6 but don't know for sure- o'clock. If you're late then you're out. Other than that I have no idea what could have gotten her booted. But...
  12. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Sounds like you're a lot like me actually. I've done fairly well with the not enabling stuff. No, you can't live here. No I won't lie so you get FS. No I don't have some cash you can 'borrow' until Wednesday (makes me think of Wimpy every time)... but I don't enjoy the confrontation. Piney...
  13. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Well, she didn't confirm or deny but I think that it may be the same shelter that my aunt stayed in some time back. If it is then one of the rules was that you had to be out trying to find a job. It was hard for my aunt because she didn't have a vehicle. She had to hike all over the place, in...
  14. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    It's not that bad. It's just stressful to try and do the right thing by my conscience and beliefs and still do the sisterly loyalty thing too. Ah, and of course we can't forget that I'm the eldest... it's sort of ingrained. Not too much harder than when I've got to ground one of the kids for...
  15. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Sorry for the DP here but a new facet has been added to the mix... Sis just called to say she's in a shelter... it provides food, clothes, diapers, formula, they (her, DD and baby) have a room w/lock, and they have a bus that takes the kids to school. The school that services this shelter...
  16. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Yeah, she just doesn't get that even offering to give anyone food, via her food stamps, for rent OR any other reason is fraud. Does not get it at all. And not for lack of warning, she's KNOWN someone who was busted. But, as with pot I guess she figures the cops, the gov't etc all have better...
  17. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    When she applied for FS she was living in B---- and was sort of paying her own way with her child support and help from our mom... then she decided that moving to just outside Austin sounded like a good idea... BF had some friends down there they could stay with, and "a job waiting' suffice it...
  18. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Oh she has issues all right. But I honestly think they lean more towards entitlement than true chemical imbalance. Could be wrong, I am NOT a doctor. But I have known her since birth. Her 'problems' only crop up when she doesn't get her way. When Dad or Mom doesn't hand over cash, new car...
  19. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    ^ Precisely. If my hubby lost his job *knock on head* then I wouldn't have a problem applying for help. Because I know that we've been paying into that system for exactly that reason! But on the same note, the minute he got a job I'd be letting them know (as per the law) and not taking any...
  20. PineappleMama

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    No FUSSY is GOOD... fussy is following the rules and getting the best you can based on the work you put in LEGALLY. That's the rub in this situation... nothing put in, but expecting a lifelong handout... and throw in fraud to boot. *sigh* I just don't understand the whole mentality at all...
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