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  1. redhen

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    So what address does she use for her lone star and WIC stuff?? You have to have an address for all that.... I dont know... I have to say.. your LETTING her use your address for certain things ,,but not others... I think that your feeding her problem. Those kids are/were living with a druggie...
  2. redhen

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Isnt her welfare checks (or whatever..i cant remember what you said in another post/thread now..) Coming to your house though?? Isnt she using your address for that?
  3. redhen

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Another thing.. You DONT want it listed ANYWHERE that she ever lived with you..BECAUSE of her criminal record and her CPS record also.. You have kids... if CPS ever thinks that shes living with you and you children... you CAN be the next one to be investigated by them. Something to think about.
  4. redhen

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Yeah... i know what you mean.. Shes GOT to learn to be responsible somehow... sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom. And sometimes that means loosing your kids...
  5. redhen

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Yeah..i think they they help you get back on your feet..even help find you housing... (if its a battered womans shelter..) *sigh* You've got your hands full there... what a tough situation you're in...
  6. redhen

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    I just feel bad for her kids...
  7. redhen

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    Quote: Thats called Drugs... And i dont think being addicted to drugs should qualify you for free money and benefits.... (sadly.. alot of losers DO get SSI for being druggies... makes me want to vomit..) Just saying...
  8. redhen

    Advice? SIS and SSI

    chickensducks&agoose : we've gotten FS before, and it really did make things so much better. I worried less, the kids were happier, the fridge was fuller. DH used to be in the trades, and around here, everyone gets laid off in november and re-hired in april, (building season)... so those...
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