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  1. LittleOregonAnnie

    Black chicken - what is it??

    OK I'm thinking rooster. Thanks for putting up those pics. This little guy had a comb coming in the first couple of weeks. The feed store sells the EE's as Ameraucanas. Then again, I bought 8 pullets and this black rooster will be my 5th rooster out of the group! OMG
  2. LittleOregonAnnie

    Black chicken - what is it??

    I think it's a cockerel to but my husband thinks it's a confused pullet that doesn't quite know what to do now that the rest of the big cockerels are gone. Wouldn't the feathering be pointier looking on the neck? When do Australorp cockerels start to get sickle feathering on their tails? Sorry...
  3. LittleOregonAnnie

    Black chicken - what is it??

    Do pullets make goose honking noises? This one started doing it and only does it when our bantam rooster starts his crowing. It's like a weak, long, low honking. It's pretty pathetic. LOL
  4. LittleOregonAnnie

    Black chicken - what is it??

    Think it's a rooster?
  5. LittleOregonAnnie

    Black chicken - what is it??

    The legs are black. It also has white wing tips - only on a few feathers.
  6. LittleOregonAnnie

    Black chicken - what is it??

    I purchased 8 Ameraucana "Easter Egger" chicks and came up with this one. It is right at 3 months old. What breed and sex do you think it is? Certainly not an Ameraucana! We re-homed 3 of the Ameraucanas that were definitely roosters and suddenly this one is making a long low honking sound...
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