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  1. jjthink

    Rooster down. Please help!

    You are more than welcome. So glad for a good news story - whew!!!!!!!!!!!!! JJ
  2. jjthink

    Rooster down. Please help!

    Whew - so glad to hear that he crowed! Sounds very promising!!!! JJ
  3. jjthink

    Rooster down. Please help!

    Fabulous that he stopped panting!!! And that color is good!! (Rescue Remedy won't likely cure anything but it may help get a living being through a stressful time. Good to have on hand for future in any case....) JJ
  4. jjthink

    Rooster down. Please help!

    You can google Rescue Remedy and find some nice info about it. It's one of the Bach flower remedies. I would not anticipate Walmart carrying it. Since we don't know what's wrong I'm hesitant to suggest pain relief but 1 crushed baby aspirin per cup of drinking water can provide some relief...
  5. jjthink

    Rooster down. Please help!

    Erg. Panting can be overheated, in pain, or having difficulties breathing. If you have or can readily get (as in, soon) Rescue Remedy (most health food stores and even good pharmacies these days), a drop or two in his water wouldn't hurt and may help. They have a pet version now that doesn't...
  6. jjthink

    Rooster down. Please help!

    Sending lots of good wishes. Keeping him comfortable right now, not too hot and not too cold, in a quiet, stress free area with soothing words and offers of treats, just as you are doing, is pretty much the right thing. Hopefully it was the heat and he rallies. A lovable roo is priceless - I...
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