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  1. onedoodle3

    Did it again... I hate being the patient!

    Quote: The Cutter I use on my DD has 23.8% DEET. Her doc actually said to not use anything that had more than 30% DEET in it. But the Cutter seems to work really well. I have a small ornamental pond w/goldfish in it that I keep a mosquito dunk in to kill the larvae. I also use 2 in the...
  2. onedoodle3

    Did it again... I hate being the patient!

    Quote: My son would break out in hives all over his body. I felt so sorry for him. I would try to not take him anywhere because some people in stores are just mean. So I tried to shield him from the stupid comments people made. My daughter (6) is allergic to mosquito bites. If one bites...
  3. onedoodle3

    Did it again... I hate being the patient!

    PineappleMama, I have NEVER met anyone else that was allergic to the red dye manufacturers put in drinks. My son was 2 when he had his first reaction. It took the doctor and me 3 years to figure out it was the red dye in the Hawiian Punch and the Kroger brand red soda. The doc refused to send...
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