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    Columbian Wyandotte vs Brahma?

    Quote: Hi I was referring to LF Brahams and no I do not breed them but all the LF Brahma chicks I have ever seen were solid white with maybe a little grey on the chicks. I've never saw bantam brahma chicks but the ones you posted look kinda like the color I was decribing for the Wyandottes...

    Columbian Wyandotte vs Brahma?

    Quote: Yes Both breed have the same adult feathering pattern that is genetically called Light Columbian, some just go by Light ( Light Brahmas or Light Sussex) and some go by Columbian ( Columbian Wyandottes or Columbian Rocks) but its the same color. And feather footed breeds may be harder...

    Columbian Wyandotte vs Brahma?

    HAHA Yeah Chris Yall caught me messin up LOL Yes I do know that Brahamas have pea combs, not rose combs, I guess I mixed the two up in my head or something, sorry to the OP if that confused you. I edited it.

    Columbian Wyandotte vs Brahma?

    Quote: There is a difference Brahmas will be taller, have PEA combs, and feathered feet and as chicks they will be solid white. Col Wayndottes will have a flatter stance than a tall upright stance and they have rose combes and clean leggs and as chicks the are a cute smokey grey color, not...
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