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  1. moderndayhippy

    My Hens Are Cannabalizing Their Eggs - Why?

    Quote: Wow! Thanks so much for the advice! They HAVE been molting, and it HAS been high heat, so that is certainly a possibility. I did notice another thin (no shell, just the soft sack) egg that was broken on top of the nesting box yesterday morning. We've only gotten a few of those, but I'm...
  2. moderndayhippy

    My Hens Are Cannabalizing Their Eggs - Why?

    Thank you both! I will try both of those suggestions.
  3. moderndayhippy

    My Hens Are Cannabalizing Their Eggs - Why?

    Thank you both. We've found a few eggs that have fallen onto the floor of the coop - we think accidentally (on a few ocassions within the past week). We think there isn't a big enough lip on the nesting boxes, which is allowing the eggs to roll out when another chicken gets inside. I saw both...
  4. moderndayhippy

    My Hens Are Cannabalizing Their Eggs - Why?

    Can anyone tell me why my hens have started to cannabalize their own eggs? They just started doing this yesterday, and did it again today. They aren't doing it to all of the eggs, just usually one per day. It's frustrating, but they obviously love the flavor of it, because they crack a hole in...
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