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  1. colowyo0809

    Medicated chick feed or organic?

    NatraLee. Those suggestions are good ones. However, part of the problem with switching from medicated to non is the medicated helps keep some issues at bay that non medicated won't. And if you don't supplement in any way, those issues will definitly pop up. We feed non medicated organic with...
  2. colowyo0809

    Medicated chick feed or organic?

    I would caution against totally blowing off what the oldtimers have to say. Take it with a grain of salt certainly but still listen. You can use and adapt their practices to suit your needs and style. Sometimes, going with the conventional method when your a first timer is the way to go...
  3. colowyo0809

    Medicated chick feed or organic?

    absolutely not! very much so expose them!! they will need to be exposed if they are going to survive. as long as you are giving them the probiotic and the kelp they will be able to handle most issues
  4. colowyo0809

    Medicated chick feed or organic?

    Quote: I whole heartedly agree! This is why I haven't tried harder to keep the teenagers off of the top of the brooder. They may poo on it, but they are exposing the younger ones to whatever is in their system, thereby passing that all on! Also, I am a big fan of not isolating my children...
  5. colowyo0809

    Medicated chick feed or organic?

    Actually, we get it from the natural health food store It's also where I get the kelp from, although I'll probably order that online for the larger quantity. You want to get the stuff that has the highest concentration of bacteria per serving. yogurt is actually ok, just in small amounts...
  6. colowyo0809

    Medicated chick feed or organic?

    With ours, we started with one tablespoon of probiotic sprinkled over the top of the feed once a day for a full week. then we cut back to once a week. Now, we just pour a small amount into the container we use to take the feed to the chicks, and shake it well to let it mix before putting it...
  7. colowyo0809

    Medicated chick feed or organic?

    We start our chicks on nonmedicated feed from the day we bring them home. We switched to organic shortly after bringing home the first set and they have stayed healthy. The original batch had a little bit of problem with pasty butt, as did a couple we got from another chicken owner, but we mix...
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