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  1. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Quote: Which I have been doing since this all went down in July Fast forward to September 21 and I got another notice in my mailbox tonight. I have one teenage roo who has a really puny weak crow (stealth EE roo, thought he was a girl till recently) and 20 girls who don't hardly make a...
  2. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Quote: Yes I do find it odd that there are no regulations pertaining to the location of say, dog kennels, only that the smell/flies/noise can't be a nusience. I think that should be how it is for all animals. The problem neighbor's dogs used to smell worse than my coop everytime it rained.
  3. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Quote: Nope no word. The animal control guy way overstepped his legal boundaries with the "three day" time limit, and I'm sure he knows it. Since he did not try to enforce it, I am left to assume that he did it on purpose to "bully" me into complying without him having to go through all the...
  4. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    I am worried. Tomorrow will be "day 3" and yes I have gotten rid of the source of the complaint, I still have my hens here. I have not had time to build a new pen for them (I do have to work ya know) If the animal control guy wants to be a real JERK he could theoretically impound my ladies, and...
  5. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Quote: My next house WILL BE in Texas, due to the better castle laws. Tha'ts all I should publically say on the matter.
  6. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    I went to the DA's office today. They were very little help, even though I told them that he claimed he was videotaping for their office they just said "well he wasn't" like it wasn't their problem to solve. I filled out a page requesting charges - I put about him tresspassing, that he was in...
  7. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    I spent all afternoon moving and rebuilding the bachelor pad at my in-law's property. They have 3 acres in a more rural area of the city (still in the city limits though) that they don't live on. It is unfenced and fairly grown up, and has an overpopulation of mosquitoes and ticks. I had to buy...
  8. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Quote: The name that comes up on is the same name as was on the pizza order. I'd call that good enough for me, but perhaps I can get a police report tomorrow. Shall see
  9. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Quote: It takes 2 days for the report to become obtainable, which should be tomorrow
  10. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Quote: I'm pretty sure the intent of this language meant anyone else's residence. Also, I would do a little more detective work. I don't know exactly how the criminal justice system works in your state, but I am quite familiar with it in Texas. If I were in your position, Tala, I'd want to...
  11. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Quote: AWESOME IDEA!!! He was standing IN MY YARD up by my back porch (side of the house) in front of my truck so not even in the driveway, but fully in the yard. He was standing less than 3-4 ft from a large NO TRESSPASSING sign as well. He claimed that he was gathering "evidence" for the...
  12. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Quote: I would have responded a whole lot nicer if he had come over and voiced his complaints WITHOUT THREATENING TO KILL MY ANIMALS! Belive me, he did NOT give me the chance to explain that they were already on their way out or see if anything could be worked out.
  13. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Under the title of "Confinement of Vicious Animals" "It shall be unlawful for any person owning or having control of any chickens, ducks, or other fowl (darnit there goes my idea to replace them with guinies....) within the city to permit them to run at large after notice from the animal...
  14. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Quote: Aint that the million dollar question! The temporary idea is to move the bachelor pad (it is 2 cattle panels and some T posts with a deer net cover) to my in-law's land. The roos are about 16 weeks on the 19th of this month, I had slotted freezer camp the last week of July or first...
  15. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Quote: I agree. The note says: "The department has received a complaint with reference to your dog or dogs. The violation is listed below and we would appreciate having the situation corrected to eliminated the need for further action" (emphesis mine) He circled "Disturbing Noise" and put his...
  16. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Quote: hahaha I'm SURE I'd get a police noise citation for that..... But I do already have a metal garden decoration rooster and a big stereo or can you imagine the look on the cops face when he calls back and says the rooster is crowing again and you show them your rooster There are others...
  17. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Quote: I like the way you think.. hahaha I'm SURE I'd get a police noise citation for that..... But I do already have a metal garden decoration rooster and a big stereo
  18. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Quote: Noise complaints was what he cited on the note. I talked to him and he said "because you can't move the coop to a legal place with the way your land lays" (the shape of it, essentially, narrow not wide enough.....) so I told him that it can be legal distance from the compaining neighbor...
  19. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Quote: DARN! i knew it! I would fight it!!... say this guy has been stalking you and you called the police on him... so hes trying to get revenge..or something... I hate to say it..but i'd set that guy up... They only gave me 3 days too!!! But they allow 120 days to get rid of a problem...
  20. Tala

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Apparently he complained enough that the animal control has decided that I have to get rid of all my chickens, hens included, based on the noise complaints!
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