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  1. drumstick diva

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    Noodleoo I agree with you. Let sleeping dogs lie. Just be a good chicken neighbor.
  2. drumstick diva

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    If someone does a citizens arrest how do you get the perp to cooperate? Handcuffs, punch to the jaw, cattle prod??? I'm being facetious. I can't imagine anyone going along peacefully and you could get really hurt if there is an ensuing battle.
  3. drumstick diva

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    I wonder if the guy doesn't have a buddy with animal control. Many years ago when I did dog grooming in the basement, an officer showed up and said I couldn't do that in a residential neighborhood. He said he was from the mayors office. We lived in Chicago at the time. It turned out a...
  4. drumstick diva

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    That thug has my blood boiling and he isn't even my neighbor. I wish you lived nearby so I could give him some heat, and you reinforcements. I Hate Bullies. To bad didn't meet him with your own vid-cam for the DA recording his brazen trespassing.
  5. drumstick diva

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    noodleroo, you are right. I would do what you say, makes alot of sense. You must have a degree in psychology or should have. Especially since they are due to visit freezer camp, its a moot problem.
  6. drumstick diva

    Trouble with the neighbor.

    too bad you weren't "wearing a wire"so you'd have his threat recorded. Gee hope his boat doesn't run out of gas in the middle of the ocean. If you have any "stink" eggs you could lob them over the fence - as a preumptive strike.
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