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  1. 1muttsfan


    Thanks, I will pass that on, unfortunately she did not have an incubator but maybe her neighbor does. Wish she had caught the Cochin bug when I was still breeding them :rolleyes:
  2. 1muttsfan


    Thank you for your response. She is only allowed to have a limited number of chickens where she lives, and no roosters, so she is really interested in getting Bantam cochins in particular. If she got cockerels she could rehome them, but she can only add a few Birds.
  3. 1muttsfan


    Hi neighbors. My sister lives in Naperville. She recently lost all but one of the chicks she ordered this spring. I would love to find a few pullets for her, she was very happy with the bantam Cochin and Jersey Giant chicks, and of course this were the ones that got snatched. If anyone within a...
  4. 1muttsfan


    As said by others, feeding your birds eggs from medicated birds will extend the withdrawal time, if for example the withdrawal is 10 days you would have to wait until 10 days after the last day the chickens at the medicated eggs. X2 Valbazen is a good all-around dewormer that will get most...
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