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  1. Bullyshowgirl


    That's exciting. ...I'm just North of Dixon 1 mile :) We are practically neighbors.
  2. Bullyshowgirl


    Chicken that like the new Common Core math.....I can't figure it out either :) We have a second coop in the I have a place to keep my Wyndottes separate if we decide we have something nice enough to reproduce.
  3. Bullyshowgirl


    I've been reading up alot on different breeds and have heard mixed reviews on the Astralorps . Most of the ones that we dissatisfied with the temperment (friendly, aggression, flighty) were people that had bought from hatchery's or Feed stores. I'm kinda wondering if temperament in chickens...
  4. Bullyshowgirl


    We have 12 Astralorps, 6 Americanans, 12 Buff Orps and are waiting for 16 Black laced Red Wyndottes...... We got straight run so we would have some to eat and girls to keep. As much as I hate to eat our babies I am more concerned with what my family is eating and how humanely the birds are...
  5. Bullyshowgirl


    New to BYC and the IL Thread :) We are in N. IL...Lee County, and hoping to finish our coop this week (as the chickens are out growing their brooder ) We literally got the chickens before the coop and then the race was on. I'm excited to meet more IL chicken fanatics !!!
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