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  1. Feathers Brady


    Very sorry for your loss, and the grief you must feel letting go of your beloved animals. ((Hug)) Hang in there Faraday. Sending ALL good vibes your way! Tillie may be just what gets you through. She must feel like it's the safest spot for her. Also entertaining!
  2. Feathers Brady


    Thanks for such an adorable story! Made me smile ! Gotta have my chicken therapy daily :) Can't wait to hear more of silly Tillie adventures.
  3. Feathers Brady


    Harriet here is my best pic of the week, I've probably posted it three or four times. It was Thursday when the index hit 106 degrees. You can just read her little mind!
  4. Feathers Brady


    Faraday40 I gotta say SHES A DOLL!! Love love love love the pics! Great glamour shots! :gig Wish I could help with genders but I'm no chicken expert.
  5. Feathers Brady


    Good morning all!:frow I don't know about the rest of you but, my six hens did not want out of bed this morning! All snuggled togeather and could care less about breakfast in the run. They took they're sweet time going out. I was expecting high energy with this cool down. It's 56 right now with...
  6. Feathers Brady


    Hi amberzookeeper!:frow Welcome to BYC! I'm here in central illinois. My husband a good old beagle and six lovely hens on a farm east of Bloomington. I've found so much help here when it come to chicken wellness. A sour crop issue was cured with help from all ! That in it's self is a miracle...
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