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  1. SpinningJenny


    Hello Illinoisans! I have a sweet 7 week old Turken "Naked Neck" rooster boy for sale here in Chicago! He's posted in the Buy/sell forums, but I'm cross posting here because I'd hate to try and ship this guy (stresses me out!)...
  2. SpinningJenny


    @Molpet I think I might take you up on it! I haven't tracked any down near me. Would be around Monday during the day or in the evening? You can PM me! Thanks! Happy Easter!
  3. SpinningJenny


    @Faraday40: At home I have a similar method, involving a book under the incubator! :D I put eggs in the cartons, and then I put a book under one side of the incubator. I move the book every few hours to another side, and shift the carton once a day or so. This way, I don't have to open the...
  4. SpinningJenny


    Hello! Chicago, Illinois over here. I'm sure I've posted in this thread before, but I'm now in need of a favor from a neighbor! I'm starting eggs on Tuesday with my son's class, and the egg turner I thought I had secured from a friend is MIA! If anyone in the Chicago area has an automatic egg...
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