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  1. lethalfire


    I am definitely interested in them if they are not already spoken for.
  2. lethalfire


    Glad to know I'm not the only "late seasoner" My daughter and I would REALLY love a white and buff cochin chicken, we seen a couple the other days and fell in love with their appearance. I am located by the Quad Cities on the Illinois side or about 45 min. from Galesburg.
  3. lethalfire


    Oh my goodness, I just LOVE precious, you can see in her expressions that she is just full of Character lol. I could look at pictures of her all day.
  4. lethalfire


    I LOVE the expression of the chicken in the 2nd picture, priceless!!!! The girl is a cutie also of course. is it wrong that I noticed the chicken first?
  5. lethalfire


    Oh no I'm in trouble now, Alpha isn't very far at all, definitely not too far to get a chicken LOL. The silkie chicks I have are my first bantams I will have to look up the ones you named, (or maybe I shouldn't lol). We live on the edge of Matherville, half our property (the woods part, funny I...
  6. lethalfire


    Hello fellow Illinoisan's I am new to the forum and to chickens. I currently reside on the edge of a small country town about 20-30 min. south of the Quad Cities, only about 45 min. from Galesburg. I currently have 1 buff orpington, 1 RI, 1 Black Australorp, and 1 Barred rock rooster and then...
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