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  1. usschicago1

    bantam cochins - i think i got messed with :( (pics, need help!)

    Quote: I have had less than 8wk bantam cochin pullets with red in their comb, more than once. I will get a pic of my 7wk bantam cochin cockerel and pullet for you to compare. Edited to add these pics: 7 week old cockerel 7...
  2. usschicago1

    bantam cochins - i think i got messed with :( (pics, need help!)

    Quote: Haha im glad i found this thread, you were convinced they were cockerels for awhile there. Keep Us Updated on them
  3. usschicago1

    bantam cochins - i think i got messed with :( (pics, need help!)

    Quote: Wait - so you're saying that at this age (2 to 3 months old) the boys already have a different kind of feather pattern than the girls? I would think so i only raise solid colors aside from my silver penciled cochin and she feathered in with her pattern, while the males (which look...
  4. usschicago1

    bantam cochins - i think i got messed with :( (pics, need help!)

    I didnt read all the posts, but they both feathered out like female pullets . I can guarantee there both girls unless they magically loose those patterned feathers. Look Here for a reference. So Yay girlies (: No worries yet
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