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  1. thaiturkey

    Help Turkey babys keep dieing

    Quote: My understanding is that chickens carry blackhead but don't suffer from it. They pass it in their faeces to the ground where it is absorbed by earthworms. Worms also carry it but don't suffer from it. It can remain in the ground for years, ready to infect a foraging turkey. I imagine...
  2. thaiturkey

    Help Turkey babys keep dieing

    Quote: Chickens and the land that they walk in can harbour Blackhead. Many turkey keepers seem to get away with it so perhaps the problem isn't universal. Here's some more information: I frequently see reports of losses...
  3. thaiturkey

    Help Turkey babys keep dieing

    Can you give some more information such as how old they are, how long you have had them, feed, how you keep the, what other animals are around?
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