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  1. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    like you just said, they are the first eggs of that birds cycle. Some times they are tiny if the hen is still real young. If they are the little marble sized ones, those are yolkless and useless. but all others have the potential of being fertile. Egg size donest have anything to do with the...
  2. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    got 2 today to start the season off with
  3. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    no all crevie eggs and even polish are nice and white, some may be VERY slightly tented cream, but most a nice and white. If it's a true crevie it will not lay a colored egg ever. The roo that bred her will have no control over the egg color either. I'd get them seperated like you said. I think...
  4. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    yes it's 21 days just like most all chickens on the eggs. No , I live in south Georgia been hot all winter here and still no eggs from them, they are seasonal layers, depends on day light hours pretty much, temp doesnt have much to do with it. They lay here from March- Oct on average
  5. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: congrats on the hatch, that was pretty good
  6. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    if you are a pro at it, yes you can candle at day 3, there should be a very faint embryo starting by then, by day 4 anyone can tell with a good light in a dark room. day 7, it's fool proof. also yes, if you see tiny air bubbles floating around in there, they are distroyed, shipping air cell...
  7. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    yep, not many folks even know what they are, they are pretty darn cool to me, very tame, very prolific and very rare
  8. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    got a spare set of 6 bantam crevie eggs if anyone is interested
  9. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: I know what ya mean, my bantam creveis are laying like crazy, also have them on the ol ebay. That chicks earlier does look crevecouer, very rare to get a solid black polish from any hatchery. Some do have them, but are rare. Everyone keeps saying how skittish theirs are, I am wondering...
  10. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: He looks like a hatchery Creve to me.... Yep I agree, he is creve for the most part, but definately has SOME polish blood in him a very common deal in hatchery crevecoeurs. Eye's are bay and lobes look pink.... as for whos standard you go by, you go by the standard set in the country...
  11. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    got to say, those are pretty darn ugly to me...glad the US ones are supposed to look like they do, I think it's the beard and muffs that add it for me, just makes them look so much better. Those just look like a poor, non bearded black polish to me,
  12. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Thanks for the info there, yep funny how they vary from standard to standard aint it, make you wonder which is correct to start with. I guess they must base them off the current birds in that country at the time of submitting them. Never seen a white lobed one not of polish decent though, like...
  13. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: all standards I have ever seen call for beards, little to no wattle, and red lobes, that are barely visbale if at all due to the muff. Changing to that to support polish blood is not the case as none of that is polish related, they would have white lobes, thin or no beards and heavy...
  14. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    oh yea you got to start on them some where that's true. That old boy looked pretty good, hate he got smashed. It is hard to find true crevies for sure, like you said unfortunatelt most have polish in them any more, mainly due to the lack of line out there to breed with, thus new blood was...
  15. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: i be worried about white earlobes on the roosters hey, I didnt even notice that, LOL Yep they are supposed to be red and very inconspicuous, most likely has a lot of polish in him
  16. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    mine are bantam and they're the same color
  17. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    yep my bantams started a week or so back, got good eggs in the incubator now, from here on they are for sell. Yall let me know if interested, got a few on the ol ebay now
  18. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    think that's just him. I have qite a few in bantam and they are all just as calm and gentle as can be. Keep 3 roos per pen with never even a cross look at each other too.
  19. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    yep thone in question is 100% male, crested hens have round even crest, males have the long stringy ones, looks a good bi crevie, but pretty sure there's some polish in him too, type just looks off for some reason to me.
  20. Boggy Bottom Bantams

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: Do you know his lines? He looks like his wattles are too large and he doesn't have much of a beard....but his body type is decent. How much does he weigh? I agree there, great looking bird, but yes, wattle is large, beard is small, and legs should be black too. But that's just getting...
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