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  1. rhsf072

    Help!!! No skin to suture after my hen was ripped under wing!!

    Thank you Renee and Shelby for all info I feel better already knowing it will heal completely with time and TLC what can I give her for pain? She pants a lot and moves radically sometimes I know it hurts her. I'm glad I found BYC today I will keep everyone updated on Bertha's recovery.
  2. rhsf072

    Help!!! No skin to suture after my hen was ripped under wing!!

    I will def follow up on all the info Shelby thanks so much for your advice and concern a couple more things if you don't mind when I post on this forum do I post my return response with the PM or does that send you an email? I know on many websites you can view comments and post without starting...
  3. rhsf072

    Help!!! No skin to suture after my hen was ripped under wing!!

    Thanks for post so you think she will heal on her own and have renewed skin there? Or will I have to buy her a saddle for her to wear around the other hens and roosters to prevent future injuries. I have had nothing but cats and dogs here at the cabin no experience with all this I lost a duck...
  4. rhsf072

    Help!!! No skin to suture after my hen was ripped under wing!!

    Ok here is a pic of Bertha's wound sorry for delay I had to go to town to get cell signal and waiting on Sprint now for 3 more pics so everyone can see the extent of her injury. Thank you!! I clipped her wing so I could take care of her better and she lays on sterile padding which I...
  5. rhsf072

    Help!!! No skin to suture after my hen was ripped under wing!!

    We raised them all from babies did not think they would start quite this soon but yes we def have a problem then I have two roos and two hens. We seperated them from the other hen when this happened. All is well except my roos have a big attitude problem right now. LOL I need your help I have...
  6. rhsf072

    Help!!! No skin to suture after my hen was ripped under wing!!

    Hello Shelby nice to meet you sounds like you have your hands full wow I go by Maddie been married 22 years the 30th July with one child a daughter who is turning sweet 16 August. We have in addittion to chickens and etc 7 cats, 3 dogs, they are all spoiled too. LOL My husband grew up on a farm...
  7. rhsf072

    Help!!! No skin to suture after my hen was ripped under wing!!

    Thank you for all the responses to my questions. I washed and cleansed her yesterday with warm soapy water and rinsed her about 20 min I fig if the debris and seepage would get loose it would be easier to take away from her wound and it was. I poured peroxide all over her wound afterwards...
  8. rhsf072

    Help!!! No skin to suture after my hen was ripped under wing!!

    First thing I would like to say is hello to all the BYC network!! I am new here just reg today I was browsing internet on chicken care this website looks helpful and friendly. I have a very small mini-farm just starting with only (5) ducks and (4) chickens, rabbits and miniature goats for now...
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