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  1. kimi

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    I lost my best Roo last week & a couple girls.. I plan on putting some eggs in the bator but would really like to either find a few unrelated eggs or a young/juvenile Roo to add to my swedes. My Roo is very docile & gets bullied by 2 of my girls so I need a "nice guy" If anyone has anything...
  2. kimi

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    They are Gorgeous! None of mine have very much red or orange, they are all in the Blue spectrum & with less white than I'd like...Gives me something to work on...
  3. kimi

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    I don't want "lap" chickens... not really my style. I would like to get close enough to them to take some pics. It's looking like I might have to buy a new camera with a better zoom lens. I'd really like to get opinions on them & see how they compare to my thoughts... I can't imagine they could...
  4. kimi

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    I'm a little worried! My new flock of SFH have been here for almost 2 weeks & no eggs at all yet! They are very skittish & get upset over the tiniest thing * we are still working on their palace so I am hoping that is the reason for the no laying... No signs of Molting... Skittish as in if...
  5. kimi

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    I have not ordered from here but He was recommended by a couple of friends. He has several rare breeds & a goo reputation from what I've read...
  6. kimi

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    Funny, After their Beauty, I was drawn to how well they do in the Heat! I just got my flock but once they are settled in & laying Well, I will gladly Ship eggs to help out & in turn get critiques on what my birds produce... Kimi
  7. kimi

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    I just read these colors here: I also found an old add for a black trio.. as I said I am just now starting to even look into them, while my swedes are settling in to the quarantine condo. I do like the Red but have never been a huge fan of White or...
  8. kimi

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    Did a bit of reading & I think I may do some reading into the Red, Black & Speckled. I've got some time to figure it out while I focus on the 'Swedes'
  9. kimi

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    HAHA! Hubby is great about a ton of things.... Helping me get pictures of anything other than our grandson is NOT one of them. I'm hoping I can get my daughter to come over tomorrow or the next day to help. I had a massive right brain stroke 2 years ago and though my brain damage is much less...
  10. kimi

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    Hello Everyone! I "lucked" into 9 SFH this weekend & I am thrilled! There in 2 groups one with 1 Roo/3 hens From GFF just over 2 years old. The other group is 1 Roo & 4 pullets approx 8.5 months old. I think I have a great mix of color & can't wait till the hubby has time to help me get some...
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