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  1. rinehart63

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    I have both netting (poultry netting from kencove) and LGD's. We use netting for rotational grazing. While it is a deterrent, especially for non-flying predators, it will not dissuade a serious predator or hawks, turkey vultures, etc. Also... To prevent grounding out, the bottom strand on most...
  2. rinehart63

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    electric fencing is suppose to even protect against bears so I am sure it would work for lg cats. Not much different between a fox and a bobcat in terms of size. I also had a bobcat here that I lost a few to well before the fence. I hadn't seen it in a while when I put the fence up but all I...
  3. rinehart63

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    so many of you have lost many birds to predators. Sounds like LGF dogs are pretty much the answer to keeping chickens safe but have any of you tried electric netting and if you have, what has happened thereafter? Did this solve your problem long-term with the exception of flying predators? I...
  4. rinehart63

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    I figure when the roo alarms the girls are going to run for cover whether they see the predator or not. Just my $.02 Yep, I have seen that many times, the roo gives a little alarm call and everyone runs even if they have no idea what they are running from! The other day it was a dove that was...
  5. rinehart63

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    I have a question about crested birds and risk for predation. I have a SF with a huge crest and the vaulted skull but the rest of my crested birds have the smaller crest. I have no doubt that the one with the big crest would be an easy risk for hawks and owls but I am wondering if the smaller...
  6. rinehart63

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    I think the difference may come from this being a new breed to this country and we are still trying to figure out all their nutritional needs. I find mine need more protein than just the standard layer feed in order to lay well. Additional vitamins are also helpful. Not to mention, 150 eggs/year...
  7. rinehart63

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    Greenfire farms says " The hens are prolific layers for most of the year, and they far out-produce other breeds like Orpingtons.". None of mine are old enough to lay yet so I have no idea. How good of layers are they?
  8. rinehart63

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    On the subject of "split wing"..... I have SF from several sources to try to keep as much genetic diversity as possible. I have one group that was a 5 chick hatch, four of which are boys. They were born May 15th. These boys all have wings where the end of the wing sort of hangs and just...
  9. rinehart63

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    You have brought up a good point.... that GFF could have put a chick in of one of their other breeds either intentionally or accidently. Thank you everyone for the comments.
  10. rinehart63

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    I hate to say it, but she looks like a cross to me. ALL SFH have flowering (though it's hard to see on the white ones - LOL). My 2 black / chocolate girls started flowering by 5-6 weeks. And no, they shouldn't show any kind of consistent barring pattern. You may see one or two feathers on Mille...
  11. rinehart63

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    Yep, there is some resemblance! I hope mine is not a "cross"! Ugh! Thanks!
  12. rinehart63

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    I have an oddly marked SF pullet. She has no white on her. She is about 7 wks old. She has not a speck of white on her anywhere at this point. I know that she could develop some spotting later but I have not had any SF that didn't have spotting already. Is this unusual? Thanks!
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