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  1. jimmythechicken

    need some help with our new hen is she sick or broody

    thanks steve i will pick it up tomorrow an do that how many days should he need it.i will give it to him at night so i can catch him with less stress.
  2. jimmythechicken

    need some help with our new hen is she sick or broody

    talked to my sister today she said it sounded just like when her chicken broke it's neck would just walk sideways an had no balance i boarded up the area that i think she did it at.going to start the peacock on a wormer we found safe gaurd for goats in liqiud form can i mix this with his water...
  3. jimmythechicken

    need some help with our new hen is she sick or broody

    looked like she had a patch of baldness on her head but dont know going to tractor supply store tomorrow what kind of wormer should i look for?i told her we will go to amy's in sept or oct once the heat is better an we can make sure her peacock is doing well.she want a purple hen so we will see...
  4. jimmythechicken

    need some help with our new hen is she sick or broody

    ok we have some bad news she did not make it .we were out there all day today her weight was good poop was fine.we think that last night durning the bad thunder stom we got she may have gotten scared an hit her head.bad she has been hidding in a spot over the feed room there is no head room i...
  5. jimmythechicken

    need some help with our new hen is she sick or broody

    i have her in a cloesed off part of the coop with a fan would duramycin-10 work for an antibiotic i have given her water with a plastic injector.
  6. jimmythechicken

    need some help with our new hen is she sick or broody

    i can go get some pedilite the male seems fine just the hen seems sick.the guy did not say if she has been has been real hot out her balance is very bad she will walk stert to loss her balance an lay back down
  7. jimmythechicken

    need some help with our new hen is she sick or broody

    she seems to be getting worse just went out there an she will let hold her is not drinking any ideas as to what to do i have corin should i give that to her
  8. jimmythechicken

    need some help with our new hen is she sick or broody

    all the poop on the roost was thick an brown we gave her water but dont know if she has drank it.she does not seem to be weizing or coughing
  9. jimmythechicken

    need some help with our new hen is she sick or broody

    i picked her up to see if she was o.k when i put her back down she looked like she was limping a little but looked o.k after a few minutes do you think her leg could be hurt or do you think she may have just layed on it wrong.she also has alot of flies on her i cleaned out the coop an put new...
  10. jimmythechicken

    need some help with our new hen is she sick or broody

    we got a pair of peacocks about 2 weeks ago a 3 yearold hen an 1 1/2 yearold peacock the last few days he has been fanning her alot an now she is laying in there coop an will not can walk right up to her i took pics do you think she is just trying to lay the peacock is just sitting on...
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