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  1. Steve_of_sandspoultry

    Raising & Processing Muskovy Ducks

    50 in one day? no thanks, we do ours in small numbers. whatever doesn't sell out of a litter goes to freezer. Good deal on the book Trimpy you will like it. Steve
  2. Steve_of_sandspoultry

    Raising & Processing Muskovy Ducks

    If they set today you are looking at 35 days to hatch-ish, that puts you well into Sept. They would be on the young side for winter i'm thinking. chickincoop, rabbit is probably Sharon's favorite. We grill them, cook in the dutch oven, rabbit ala king is always good to me. Another thing I like...
  3. Steve_of_sandspoultry

    Raising & Processing Muskovy Ducks

    We just had a nest hatch last week. Ducklings are pretty tough and handle weather well but our winters here are much much milder than yours. I would think if they would be fully feathered by frost they would be ok. What is your winter set up like. If there are any northern Muscovy peeps reading...
  4. Steve_of_sandspoultry

    Raising & Processing Muskovy Ducks

    The drake could use couple hens to keep him "company" In my opinion as far as waterfowl you can't beat a Muscovy, they are quiet, very prolific, they aren't as much of a water duck so the mess is less. They only downside is if you incubate the eggs are hard to hatch. The RH has to be just right...
  5. Steve_of_sandspoultry

    Raising & Processing Muskovy Ducks

    And Steve, you need to publish a book on your recipes! LOL if I ever wrote them down. It always comes out just a little different. Steve
  6. Steve_of_sandspoultry

    Raising & Processing Muskovy Ducks

    This one wasn't. It was falling off the bone screaming "eat me" Steve
  7. Steve_of_sandspoultry

    Raising & Processing Muskovy Ducks

    Muscovies are very hard to pluck, when plucking them it's best to pull up a chair...... you're going to be there awhile. They are kind of like geese very waterproof and hard to get the scald to the skin. Steve
  8. Steve_of_sandspoultry

    Raising & Processing Muskovy Ducks

    glad to help! Steve
  9. Steve_of_sandspoultry

    Raising & Processing Muskovy Ducks

    We do give our ducks extra whole corn so the giblets and the body cavity does have alot of fat. Think about that next time you eat cornmeal. lol Steve
  10. Steve_of_sandspoultry

    Raising & Processing Muskovy Ducks

    Quote: Yes we use the liver and I thought I wrote in the recipe that we add any duck fat from the duck. Usually there is a pretty thick layer around the gizzard and heart. Steve
  11. Steve_of_sandspoultry

    Raising & Processing Muskovy Ducks

    Quote: We got ours from "the sausage maker", it's online. We use the #32 (I think size grinder) and the 3 pound horn shaped stuffer. We were short of money when we bought them and got the plated ones. They will rust on you, we store them in an old cooler filled with mineral oil. I wish I...
  12. Steve_of_sandspoultry

    Raising & Processing Muskovy Ducks

    duck sausage Here is the recipe we use for duck sausage. For the meat we use the leg 1/4's and giblets, When you process the duck save any fat from the inside and add to the meat, that and the giblets gives enough fat so it won't be dry. Some people do add pork fat but I like just the duck...
  13. Steve_of_sandspoultry

    Raising & Processing Muskovy Ducks

    Quote: I am hoping to start raising muscovies in the very near future. Do you care to share your sausage recipe? Does it taste similar to beef or venison sausage? It's on here somewhere let me find it.
  14. Steve_of_sandspoultry

    Raising & Processing Muskovy Ducks

    We pretty much just skin them now, the leg 1/4's and gibletts go to sausage and you can cook the breasts many different ways, stir fry, baked, grilled is really good. Whole ducks take up alot of freezer space. We do them more in the colder weather. Like Red Maple said they aren't the best of...
  15. Steve_of_sandspoultry

    Raising & Processing Muskovy Ducks

    They are great meat ducks. Duck sausage Duck breast Steve
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