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  1. DragonEggs

    What Have I Got Here???

    Guess he needs a new name since Scarlet probably wont work anymore, LOL!
  2. DragonEggs

    What Have I Got Here???

    The saddle feathers did look long and the hackle feathers pointed. I was told americauna, but you know how that is. It just acted an awful lot like a female.
  3. DragonEggs

    What Have I Got Here???

    EE or Amricauna? Pullet or Cockerel? I'm not sure how old it is. I thought it was a pullet (the way she followed the lead roo around and was his favorite) but I haven't seen any eggs... And she's gettin awful big so I'm guessing it's standerd size. ETA: it's beard was MUCH bigger but I...
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