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  1. Wynette

    Odd feather issue **heavy pics***

    Great - thanks so much!!!
  2. Wynette

    Odd feather issue **heavy pics***

    Thanks, Silkiechicken. I wish I could leave work & run home right now to start! Hoping that maybe by Sunday, with giving more protein, he'll stop pulling them out. He looks pretty pathetic right now, the poor boy. Sending DH to the feed store for chick grit. I have chicken grit, but want to...
  3. Wynette

    Odd feather issue **heavy pics***

    That's funny, April! I often think that we overdo it sometimes with critters...but, I personally can't refrain!
  4. Wynette

    Odd feather issue **heavy pics***

    BOSS? My adults get it, but I just assumed these guys were too little. I'll try a bit tonight. Should I be adding grit? I haven't offered any grit yet, because it's been mostly soft treats I've been giving them. But, if I add BOSS, shouldn't I be giving them a way to grind it up? Thanks...
  5. Wynette

    Odd feather issue **heavy pics***

    Out of curiosity, I'm going to check the bag of feed tonight. Thanks so much for the suggestions and the information. They do get treats, but mostly just bits of veggies and fruits, and oatmeal thus far. I'll slowly add eggs and offer the cat food; I also have sea kelp - would that be a good...
  6. Wynette

    Odd feather issue **heavy pics***

    LICE? EEK! I did a thorough check last night (flipped him onto his back on my lap, and looked at his skin in several places, and along feather shafts and all). Wouldn't I have seen lice if he had them? Wouldn't the others have it, too? They're not exposed to any other...
  7. Wynette

    Odd feather issue **heavy pics***

    My 12-week old black Ameraucana cockerel, Pete, has a weird feather issue going on. I searched for hours yesterday on BYC on on the 'net and just couldn't find anything - but, I also wasn't sure what to call it! The feathers around his neck appear to not be popping out of the protective shaft...
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