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  1. CowGirlchicklover77

    Whats my chicken doing??

    SmittenChicken, when i pet her back she does squat what does that mean? sorry i dont know alot about chickens.
  2. CowGirlchicklover77

    Whats my chicken doing??

    It seem like she now lost her voice! she can still swak but is sounds all aired out like when a person loses its voice. whats she doing now???
  3. CowGirlchicklover77

    Whats my chicken doing??

    She is a golden comet and no she hasnt. do you think shes too young to start laying eggs?
  4. CowGirlchicklover77

    Whats my chicken doing??

    The crys sounded like she was warning somthing to stay away. Here are some pics of her
  5. CowGirlchicklover77

    Whats my chicken doing??

    My chicken is about 4 months old she is a pullet. today she did somthing im not sure what she did she stood up really straght for like 5 mins than let out really loud crys she did it for at least 3 mins and than just stoped im not sure why she did that? any ideas?
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