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  1. MomtoSyd&Emma

    Dumbo rats? Found Breeder, pics added which to choose?

    Quote: Now THAT Is the perfect solution!!!!!!
  2. MomtoSyd&Emma

    Dumbo rats? Found Breeder, pics added which to choose?

    Quote: we had 2 hairless ones, they FREEZE in winter lol I was always making them fleece hammocks and tubes to play in because they chew them up quick! lol
  3. MomtoSyd&Emma

    Dumbo rats? Found Breeder, pics added which to choose?

    I say pick 3 or 4 of them! Honestly do this!! If you pick 2 and one dies, then you have to find another breeder, quarantine the newbie and HOPE that the older one will accept it. Rats shouldnt be alone, so you always need at least two! I say get 3 and have a blast with them!!!
  4. MomtoSyd&Emma

    Dumbo rats? Found Breeder, pics added which to choose?

    We HAD a blue dumbo baby, the cutest lil thing you ever saw, but she NEVER wanted to be handled, we got her from a breeder of speciality and show types. and here is a photo of her first cage, we got another cage when we got more rats, but I cant find the photo of it
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