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  1. Rillion

    Pet Peeves

    Quote: I would just admire it from afar, since my hair refuses to grow past mid-back. I can't believe people would just grab your hair without permission....well, yes I can, because I know people can be idiots. Kudos to you for refraining from punching their lights out.
  2. Rillion

    Pet Peeves

    Quote: I have an almost-healed gash on my knee from a very windy day recently at Petsmart....the zooming shopping cart just barely missed the front of my car but was headed straight for the SUV next to me. I dove to catch it, tripped over the curb, made an absolute fool of myself but managed...
  3. Rillion

    Pet Peeves

    People who leave their shopping carts out in the grocery parking lot on a windy day so that they can bash into the cars of others. Also serial killers, world hunger, oppressive undemocratic governmental regimes, and the Star Wars prequels.
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