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  1. TinyLittleFarm

    These cute little mutts are roos, right? *body shot of white 1 added*

    I snapped a couple more pics and added a full body shot of the white one into the first post.
  2. TinyLittleFarm

    These cute little mutts are roos, right? *body shot of white 1 added*

    The black one has started crowing! Pathetic little crow, though. Never heard a chicken crow so young before!
  3. TinyLittleFarm

    These cute little mutts are roos, right? *body shot of white 1 added*

    We have four 9 week olds who are all mixed breeds-moms are EEs, dads are EEs or Light Brahmas. Two I'm quite confident are pullets, and I have a sneaking suspicion that two are roos. Of course, they are the prettiest ones. If there's any chance I'm wrong, let me know. Here is suspect #1...
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