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  1. Cowgirl71

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: Depending on how much milk she makes it could even kill her. At best, it's a long miserable process (imagine a huge udder swelled tight and a 1,000 pound cow who doesn't want you to touch it), with lots of antibiotics to cure the bad mastitis infection that would develop within 24...
  2. Cowgirl71

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Yeah, I heard about the brown cow/chocolate milk myth too... Luckily my Dad grew up on a large ranch and he made sure to inform us of a lot of the "city folk myths"! One of my favorites is about how many folks think a milk cow will always eventually make milk, it's just a matter of time...
  3. Cowgirl71

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    For those of you who mentioned that you bought eggs that had half developed chicks inside... A friend of mine bought eggs from a stranger this past summer when I was sold out on eggs. She bought several dozen, and she said half of them had BLACK yolks, and smelled to high heaven! Very few of...
  4. Cowgirl71

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: Very sorry! I guess I just assumed you were a guy because you were willing to stick your finger up your chicken's butts to check to see if they were laying... Most women I know aren't willing to do that. All of them, if you don't count me, LOL.
  5. Cowgirl71

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: He replied on post #54. Here's another green egg joke... I have a bunch of Guineas and chickens free ranging around the house and farm. One of my faithful egg customers finally got up the gumption to ask me what color guinea eggs are. I paused, a little confused as to why he...
  6. Cowgirl71

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: erm... gotta ask... why were you taking a rooster to church? Was wondering the same thing myself. Maybe the rooster needed baptized. Those sinning roosters! Here's one of my favorites... A white chicken=white eggs, red chicken=brown eggs. Said person was aghast to find that...
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