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  1. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: Priceless!! You KNOW I'm gonna have to try this with my "got no clue about chickens" husband! Too funny........... But then, my parrot 'presents' every time you walk by her cage, so it shouldn't be too big of a surprise for him.
  2. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: NOT milk a milk cow for a few DAYS?!?! That's gotta be cruel! And I think I know how much that's gotta hurt!
  3. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    "Don't feed fruit to your laying hens or they'll stop laying".
  4. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: 14... She was apparently told that by an adult. Strangely, though, we haven't had ham-flavored eggs. Or bread-flavored. Or June bug-flavored. Or watermelon flavored... She's one of those people who, the more you prove she's wrong, the more she thinks she's right. Don't get me...
  5. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    D'Angelo N Va. : I was always told to set eggs early in the a.m...because I would get more pullets, if I set the hen at night, I'd get mostly boys...well I tried it..and the first time I set the hen with 15 eggs and 21 days later she hatched out 16 they got older I realized I had 13...
  6. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: I'm tempted to believe that one. I slipped and fell in my chicken yard (nothing injured but my pride) and all the chickens came running and flying over like I had just spilled a whole bucket of scratch or something! I was worried they were gonna eat me before I could get up! It didn't...
  7. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: I'm tempted to believe that one. I slipped and fell in my chicken yard (nothing injured but my pride) and all the chickens came running and flying over like I had just spilled a whole bucket of scratch or something! I was worried they were gonna eat me before I could get up! It didn't...
  8. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: Add a third category to your poll, "caterwaul", and I'll vote.
  9. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: My roo, Vern, won't mate the girls when I'm within eyesight. He understood from his first day here that I am the flock leader and he's second in command. He doesn't eat, sleep or mate while he can see me. BUT, he loves to show off in front of my husband! Hubby came in this morning and...
  10. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: I supose next you will tell me they don't really do the chicken dance either! Well of COURSE they do the chicken dance! Sheesh, I'm not that crazy! Personally, most of my chickens are proficient in both hip-hop and contemporary dance. Recently, my pullet Holly has gotten into ballet...
  11. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: Hmm...I think there's some leg-pulling going on here...............wanna know how I know? Cuz chickens don't have hands!
  12. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: Would you like to elaborate? I think that meant that hens don't "sing" so much as make all kinds of racket, screaming and hollering and making weird banshee noises when they lay an egg.
  13. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: I've heard that myth, but it was cayenne pepper.
  14. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: I've heard that one about turkeys. I don't think it's true about chickens or turkeys............but I once had a dog that was so dumb, I'm surprised he didn't do that!
  15. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: No prob! I'm a nurse....I've stuck my finger up quite a few butts, sad to say. Guys are the squeamish ones, you know....I don't know a man one that would put his finger up a chicken's butt...unless it was on some stupid dare! I agree. In my experience, it is the men who are...
  16. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: My first eggs were free. Grandma gave me some of her hens and Grandpa built a coop for them (40 years ago). It's all the eggs after those that have kept me from having a decent car or tires on my truck or new clothes or ..............the list goes on.
  17. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    Quote: Boy, there is something I could say, here, but I won't, in deference to the family orientation of BYC. But I am most certainly biting the inside of my cheek with the effort! Then you can imagine the difficulty I had explaining with a straight face and NOT thumpin her noggin at the...
  18. tammyd57

    Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

    My niece, who is grown and I *thought* was intelligent, says that "those ropy-looking white things" in eggs were rooster semen and had to pick all of that out of each egg before it was cooked. I explained that it was the chalaza, which holds the yolk in place and even unfertilized eggs have...
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