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  1. Chick_In_The_Burbs

    FINALLY!!! First Egg x2!!!

    Yep, definantly two laying! Checked this morning: Nada. DH checked when he got back from work: 2. In the nest box. I LOVE that they aren't confused about where the egg goes either. And there is definantly a color difference today; one is a bit darker and more bluish than green and the...
  2. Chick_In_The_Burbs

    FINALLY!!! First Egg x2!!!

    I have 3 EEs, 26 weeks old. I know Sunny laid at least one of these, she's been squatting like crazy for the last two weeks. Every time I went to pick her up or herd them back to their run she'd freeze and squat. My other suspect for egg #2 is Scrambles. She's been squating too just not...
  3. Chick_In_The_Burbs

    FINALLY!!! First Egg x2!!!

    Yes!!!!!! DH came running in with a little green egg this morning! Then when he came home tonight and checked on the there was another one!!!! Two eggs in a day after nothingness! Now the only question is this: Do I now have two hens laying or one over-achiever? Comparing to an Eggland's...
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