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  1. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    It's been awhile, but I figured I'd share a couple pictures. Here's my mini-me being a proud mama: And the girls munching on freeze-dried meal worms and BOSS: IMG_8819 by JJordanPhotography, on Flickr
  2. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    My 10 chickies are a little stinky. I can't IMAGINE almost 110! That could get pretty ripe.
  3. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    So sorry to read about the losses. Even if you order in spring, they say to expect a couple losses. I have family that ordered back in the day (the 50's and 60's) and they expected a 5-10% loss. At least the rate of loss is generally better these days. In our area, we're past the last frost...
  4. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Quote: For what it is worth, I read that people had good luck by putting a clump of grass in the brooder for them to eat. I tried it, and sure enough, no pasty butt since. That's if you can find grass this time of year in your area.
  5. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Quote: yes.. lol My hubby just looks at me like I am crazy when I talk to them. I noticed my husband stopped taking out the trash and putting dishes away in the morning. Turns out he's visiting the chicks in the morning.
  6. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    All of your little babies are so cute!
  7. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Wona - Since you're in CA, they should be there tomorrow, but who knows if the center will call on a Sunday. Crossing my fingers for a safe shipment for your chickies! Btw, the little Barred Rocks I got are from Belt Hatchery in the Fresno area. They look great, and I feel even better after...
  8. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Oh! Forgot to add pictures. These girls are so sweet, but so stinking messy! I've having to clean out their water every couple hours because they're dropping food and shavings into them. (Luckily, no poop.) IMG_8702 by JJordanPhotography, on Flickr IMG_8700 by JJordanPhotography, on Flickr
  9. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Quote: Grr... They should add that as an option during checkout during the colder months. It makes me feel bad, because I would have paid more to keep them warm than to risk it. I think I'll still order from an in-state hatchery if possible next time, but nice to know they have the option...
  10. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    We lost another one sometime during the night. She was the runt. We're watching my sister's sweet little dog while they're at Disneyland, so he's going to get lots of snuggles this weekend. So many little lives lost in a week is no fun.
  11. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Got a surprise from the hubby today. I had given him that wishlist of chicks from a local hatchery. He had jury duty today and got out early, so he stopped by the feed store to see when they get their chicks in. They had a full stock of chicks the same age as ours. He seemed a little scared...
  12. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Cute names. My daughter is 4 1/2, and named the big one Light Bulb. One of the others she is calling Flutter Corn, and another Dinner. These won't make the dinner plate, though...they're 4ish lbs all grown. We got them for eggs, but now I've seen Seramas and want some of those, too.
  13. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Aww Tami so sorry that you lost another. Hopefully those three will grow into very hardy chickens. One of our friends used to work at a hatchery. When we told her about the box of death, she said the survivors were probably at the bottom of the pile. Kind of gross to think they were piled...
  14. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    That mental image of a chick in your pocket is too cute. The girls hiding from the camera. They think the thermometer will save them. Silly chicks. IMG_8680 by JJordanPhotography, on Flickr
  15. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    So sorry that you lost another one. Luckily my five girls survived another night, and they're up this morning.
  16. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Aw. I'm so sorry. I just made a wish list of chicks from a local hatchery, gave it to my husband, and told him to make it right since my birthday is coming up in a few days. We'll see where that leads...could be interesting.
  17. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Quote: We just lost another and are down to 5 now, too. I noticed some pasting starting, so I took out the sugar water and replaced it with just garlic & acv water. I cleaned them up as best (and quickly) as I could, made sure the vents were clear, and rubbed in a little olive oil on the...
  18. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Btw, don't remember if I updated, but we're at six girls left. They look pretty strong. One had some poo stuck to her butt feathers, but I got it off while it was still fresh. They're all making 'real' chicken poop now, so that's a good sign that their digestive systems are working. How...
  19. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Which hatchery did you use again? McMurray gave a tracking number, but USPS is stinking awful with tracking numbers. They don't update often, but it can help once the package is at the distribution point.
  20. classicsredone

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Good luck! I'll cross my fingers and send warm thoughts to those chickies.
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