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  1. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Quote: I had the same problem with a Partridge cochin. Yesterday my birds were 11 days old, and he just wasnt doing much but sleeping and chirping. He wouldnt eat any yogurt. But he did drink water and eat a little boiled egg yolk. Sadly he died sometime last night. Must just not have been...
  2. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Glad to hear they are doing well. I still have 1 cochin with pasty butt that is not going away. I clean it a couple times a day and put olive oil on it to try to keep it from matting too badly. He is active andplays with the others for the most part, i just hope the pasty butt goes away soon.
  3. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Quote: They must have packed ours together cause I have the same mix of breeds. did you get the brown egg layer assortment? I saw you picture and laughed it was like I was looking in my brooder. No I didnt get the assortment. I ordered Light brahmas, Partridge cochins, buff orpingtons...
  4. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    I'm guessing within the next week or so i am going to have to separate them into 2 different brooders. Or at least try to find something bigger and be able to keep the cats and dog out of it!
  5. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Here is some pics of my babies. They are growing so fast! I have 2 black turkens and one of them is a total camera hog! I have named the 2 Heckle and Jeckle.
  6. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Lost my 4th this morning. A Light Brahma.....
  7. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Just lost my Polish Crested......
  8. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    I think my rare bird is next. My little Polish is NOT doing well. Acting the same as the turken did yesterday. I dont get it! He was one of the most active ones when i brought them home!
  9. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    I know the cold weather isnt very good for them. But I dont know that that is the only reason for the losses. I did have mine vaccinated. Which I have never done before. Did anyone else have vaccinations done? Sometimes they can be hard on them too. But after my chickens got Cocci last year I...
  10. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Not good. I wonder why they look good one day, then look bad the next? Especially if they ere eating etc.
  11. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    I lost another last night. A little Partridge Cochin. I called McMurray because I have a couple more that are looking weak today. She told me to call back tomorrow afternoon with a final count and she would refund the money for those birds. She was very nice about it. But I dont get why...
  12. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    We have no grass. But we have about 2 feet of snow! LOL I have about 6 with pasty butt out of my 26. I used peroxide and a kleenex to clean it off, then put olive oil on their butt with a Qtip. I read in some other threads, that that is supposed to work good. Or they say you can use vaseline...
  13. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    So sad. Sorry you lost one too Chicknduck. We knew he probably wasnt going to make it. At least we were with him when it happened. Poor baby...... 26 left that are doing pretty good though. Just a couple of pasty butts I have to clean once in a while.
  14. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Well the little turken just went to chicken heaven. My cousin was here with me since hubby is out of town. We were cleaning pasty butts on a couple others and the little guy just kicked its legs out did a little shiver, and he was gone.
  15. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Well I have to lift that little turken over to the water for him to drink. I put his nose by the food and he got one kernel but when he went to chew it, it fell out and he just laid back down. I have a feeling he will be gone by morning. I thought about putting him in his own area, but i want...
  16. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Quote: My polish is doing great. But I'm worried about that turken. Sugar water wasnt working very good, so I gave him a little of my crystal light. Then I boiled up 2 eggs, and tried to give him a yolk. He only had a couple bites. I gave the rest of the yolks to the others. They all loved...
  17. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Quote: There was a 72 hour heat pad under the padding at the bottom of the box. It felt cold thou. I am glad they came today, we are getting single didgets again this week. I did not have a heat pack in my box. I took it apart completely. I am still so glad they all arrived safely. I have...
  18. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Also I took apart the box they were shipped in to see how well they were packaged. They did NOT include a heat pack, but the birds were all touching. I think I actually have 27! I keep counting 27!!! So an extra one was shipped. WOOOOTTTTT The box had a layer of styrofoam on the bottom, then...
  19. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    ok I have been looking at the baby chick pics on McMurray's website trying to figure out my rare breed, and the rest of us who have a puffy head that looks like mine. I think they are White Crested Black Polish. click on the...
  20. magoochie

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    OK be prepared...... So Dang cute!!!
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