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  1. Eliza1313


    Just managed to get caught up with this thread. Things have been super hectic here. Ducklings are growing fast, they'll be ready to go outside soon. Will start work on their new space in a few weeks. A lot of my flock is from Ideal. About the only advantage of picking them up is no packing...
  2. Eliza1313


    A small refridgerator could work, but it would need to be on it's warmest settingg and not be below 55°F. The one that has food stored in it should be below 40°F for food safety.
  3. Eliza1313


    I like the look of the all black bird, and I am curious if they taste any different. Still an expensive investment (yard ornament), so will have to wait for now. You are probably right about the Orpingtons having a wider audience though. We are trying to pick a project breed to work with. May...
  4. Eliza1313


    Well I checked out the Blue Bonnet Classic show in College Station today. Not too enthused with how poultry shows are done, will check out a few others before making a decision if I want to try showing. At this point it is a no though. Did enjoy getting to see all the breeds up close and...
  5. Eliza1313


    Going to try something different for brooding the ducklings, will let you know how it goes. They have about outgrown their current box. Fortunately the turkey is finally healing up so I should be able to upgrade them soon. I picked up my chicks from Ideal. Had 24 in the order so probably would...
  6. Eliza1313


    If you don't mind a drive check with Ideal Poultry, no minimum order if you pick up. Also their minimum order is a cost amount, not number of birds. If you go that route though you will probably end up with "packing peanuts" aka excess male chicks added for warmth during shipping.
  7. Eliza1313


    Thanks. Well up until the point of that picture there had been only one. Now it is multiple changes of the paper towel layer daily, and I'm struggling to keep up. They are still trying to eat the wood shavings when I pick the towels up, so no leaving them on the bare shavings yet.
  8. Eliza1313


    Tried to post duckling pic yesterday and it glitched, so here it is.
  9. Eliza1313


    Hmm, that is something to look into. The chicken eggs came from my flock, I just managed to mess things up somehow. Learned a lot, will hopefully do better next time. Will try to post pictures later on in the day.
  10. Eliza1313


    They were shipped eggs too, so even more difficult. Then none of the chicken eggs I set made it. The brood mates arrived yesterday. The littlest one did not make it through the night. Still have 10 left plus Ducky, and they are getting along fine.
  11. Eliza1313


    I thought all my hens had gone through molt, but I guess the weather being wonky threw some kinks in. So none of my older birds are laying. Have 21 pullets, 5 hens, and 5 guinea hens and 2 young duck hens. I am averaging 1 duck egg and somewhere between 1 and 5 chicken eggs a day, and now...
  12. Eliza1313


    To my knowledge NPIP testing for certification is free in the state of Texas. It is a test specificallly for two diseases for all states. Then there are other tests that some states do in addition. If you want to show you have to have the certification. NPIP is a certification that says that...
  13. Eliza1313


    Anyone planning on going to the Klein Poultry and Pigeon Extravaganza tomorrow, in Klein? Or the Blue Bonnet Classic Poultry Show Jan 2nd, in College Station? I am trying to find out more information on both, but neither website is dial-up friendly.
  14. Eliza1313


    Glad you were able to get yourself a doe this season. I miss having venison, but none of the people I know that hunt have had enough to want to share or trade. I have not gotten to the point that I can hunt myself, maybe in a few years after I can process my own birds from start to finish. Too...
  15. Eliza1313


    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you have a safe and happy holiday. The turkey we raised was delicious. A bit of a learning curve for processing them, and cooking. Know to add a good pair of pliers (possibly locking type) and a hacksaw to the processing tools. Might order one of the drill...
  16. Eliza1313


    Yesterday's eggs, green is duck. I think they finally fixed the mobile pic posting issue.
  17. Eliza1313


    ShadowsFIAL - if you have issues with it being soggy you may wany to avoid the long tails as well. My Cubalayas tails ended up a mess, and they don't get as long the ones you mentioned. Although I think there are contraptions out there to tie the tails up to keep them pretty for shows.
  18. Eliza1313


    Hope everyone is surviving this wet weather. So far no major flooding here. Had to put extra tarps on coops and move the pullets into the hen coop to keep them drier. Fortunately no major squabbles. Put the construction of new run space on hold until it dries out a bit. Might be able to seed...
  19. Eliza1313


    The turkeys are finally starting to put on weight. About 6 wks until first harvesting. They'll be about 26 wks then, so they will still be on the small side. I'm just happy they have finally started to thrive. They're going through about 25 lbs of feed every day to day and a half. So they're...
  20. Eliza1313


    Starting out with a pre-built is ok, but for most of them you can buy better materials for less and build your own. I do recommend having the coop before getting the birds, even if you are getting chicks or hatching eggs. I didn't this year, and regret it. Have been playing catch-up with coop...
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